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Styleguide: All Your Prototype Assets in One Place

Ben Gremillion
By Ben Gremillion on 10th November, 2016

We’re pleased to announce a new addition to our popular new Spec Mode feature: Style Guide.

Style guide colors and typography

Styleguide allows UXPin users to download properties for color, typography, and image assets to their computers. From there they can open the text files — or copy/paste the code — into their code editor of choice.

Need images and fonts? No problem. Bitmaps are also part of the download, as are SVGs of UXPin’s built-in elements.

Style guide image assets

You can access the new styleguide feature in the top left corner of a preview window. Enter Spec Mode and look for the “View styleguide” link.

Where to find the style guide link

In addition to viewing individual elements’ specifications in Spec Mode, downloading an entire set of assets gives developers a boost when building local components in, say, GitHub. Soon designers and developers will be closer than ever, making your team’s workflow faster and more efficient. See it in action!

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