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UX Design in Action: Testing & Redesigning Yelp (free e-book)

Jerry Cao
By Jerry Cao on 10th October, 2014 Updated on 13th May, 2024

When it comes to the UX design process, we all know that theory and practice can be two totally different things. That’s exactly why we decided to show the design process in action by partnering up with UserTesting and Optimal Workshop. Once they completed their original user research, we handled the Yelp redesign. Our goal is to show that user research leads to better design decisions.

The entire process and screenshots of the new Yelp site will all be included in our upcoming e-book, but you can get a glimpse of the overall process below.

1. Defining Yelp

The first step was analyzing Yelp’s business model. Who is their audience? How have they succeeded? Where can they improve? We needed to make sure our design was driven by business insights.

2. Conducting User Tests

Once we knew the overall objectives, we decided the right testing methods for our user groups. UserTesting and Optimum Workshop conducted primary research through user testing, tree testing, card sorting, and click testing to understand how users interact with the current website and how they categorize information. These testing methods would tell us which features were vital, which features were ignored, and which features actually confused people.

3. Analyzing the Data

We consolidated the data from all 4 testing methods to decide where the site needed to change. Considering that Yelp is basically a business search engine, our goal was to translate user insights into design changes that could deliver more relevant content.

4. Redesigning Yelp

Now that we knew what needed to change, it was time to put our ideas onto the screen. We created sketches, wireframes, and finally prototypes.

5. Iterating Tirelessly

Because we followed the design sprint methodology, our goal was improvement rather than perfection. Iteration helped to connect every step of the UX design process. All team members used UXPin to comment, collaborate, and question our work.

That’s just the sneak peek. We’re excited to release the full e-book in the next couple of weeks. To be one of the first to see the new Yelp, sign up below.

UX Design Process: Redesigning Yelp

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