
UXPin Blog — Design Studio

  • Improve Your UX with Interaction Design Elements

    by UXPin
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      UX design or user experience design is an integral part of product development. Whether it’s a physical product or next groundbreaking SAAS application, an overall good UX design is always the key to success.  Interaction design or IxD is an important part of UX design. It defines how your users will interact with your product

    • Still hungry for the design?

      UXPin is a product design platform used by the best designers on the planet. Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes.

      Start your free trial
    • Determining ROI for UX Investments

      by UXPin
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        A study published by Forrester Research makes it clear that UX projects can have a significant influence on how much money a business earns. When companies used UX based on excellent design systems, they found that their websites: Converted 400% more consumers. Improved the willingness of customers to recommend products by16.6%. Increased customer willing to

      • Ideation in Design Thinking: Importance of Approach

        by UXPin
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          One of the most important jobs of a designer is to come up with new and innovative solutions to user problems. How can designers keep generating innovative ideas? The answer is in the design thinking ideation process. It allows designers to come up with fresh ideas by thinking outside the box, challenging assumptions, and exploring

        • The Emerging Importance of Experience Design

          by UXPin
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            No matter what type of business you may run, finding the best methods and practices of gaining and maintaining customers for the long-term can be challenging. Indeed, given that many markets are saturated and there are literally new businesses popping up overnight, companies now need to go above and beyond to encourage customer loyalty. Nevertheless,

          • How Agile Environments Revolutionize a Design Team’s Workflow?

            by UXPin
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              Agile environments, teams, and manifesto. In the world of design, there is no way to escape these buzzwords that have gradually entrenched themselves in work circles around the globe. What is an agile environment and why is it so important to those in the design industry? To understand how agile environments revolutionize a design team’s

            • How to Apply Strategic Design Principles to UX

              by UXPin
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                Strategic design is the crossroads between user experience and business objectives. It means creating a set of design principles that guide your team through the process of building a product or experience. The principles articulate the vision and mission of your project and keep you focused on the big picture as you move through the

              • We’ve open sourced the Merge CLI

                by Derek Haynes
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                The release of the recently announced UXPin Merge introduces a new era for UXPin: we’re not just for designers anymore. Merge allows frontend devs to push live, working React components to UXPin. This ensures designers are prototyping with real, up-to-date components and reduces friction in the design/dev handoff. How do developers test components locally and

              • Meet UXPin Merge: Quickly Launch a Design System Devs and Designers Will Love

                by Derek Haynes
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                Like Patrick Bateman inspecting Paul Allen’s business card, it’s easy to be envious when inspecting the design systems of GitHub, IBM, and Atlassian. Responsive? Check. Patterns? Check. Vector-based design libraries? Check. These systems are monuments to work-ethic, discipline, and teamwork. When a design system is launched, it dramatically reduces the time it takes to go


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