
UXPin Blog — Design Studio

  • Bootstrap vs React Bootstrap — A Quick Overview

    by UXPin
    healthcare app design

    Bootstrap is a popular open-source front-end framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites. It was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter and released in 2011. Bootstrap itself does not use React, but there are integrations like React-Bootstrap that provide Bootstrap components as React components. This library eliminates jQuery dependency and are more

  • Still hungry for the design?

    UXPin is a product design platform used by the best designers on the planet. Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes.

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  • 11 Best Material UI Alternatives

    by UXPin
    Material ui Alternatives min

    Material UI, developed and maintained by MUI, is a popular React component library that implements Google’s Material Design guidelines. It offers a comprehensive set of reusable and customizable components, such as buttons, cards, menus, form elements, predefined styles, and themes. The library promotes a modular and structured approach to building user interfaces, enabling developers to

  • 7 Best Code Editors for Your Development Needs

    by Niraj Narkhede
    Design Handoff checklist

    Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and with it comes the need for skilled developers who can efficiently write and manage code. A significant aspect of coding is having the right tools to maximize productivity and streamline the development process. This is where code editors come in. In the vast and ever-evolving world of

  • How to Deploy a React App: Step-by-Step Guide

    by Aneeqa Khan
    Designing Car Interfaces 1

    If you are looking to make your web application available to the public, then this article is for you. Today, Aneeqa will guide you through the detailed steps for deploying your ReactJS App created using UXPin Merge. UXPin Merge is an invaluable tool for crafting stunning web applications effortlessly, sans any coding. By leveraging its

  • Laravel and Tailwind CSS — A Quick Integration Guide

    by UXPin
    Web Design Basics min

    If you’re developing a web application that requires both robust backend functionalities and a flexible, stylish frontend, Laravel and Tailwind CSS make a perfect combination. There are several other popular CSS frameworks and libraries you can use with Laravel. Tailwind CSS stands out from other CSS frameworks due to several distinctive features that cater to

  • Node JS vs React JS – A Quick Comparison of Two JavaScript Frameworks

    by UXPin
    Why do developers use frameworks

    Node.js and React.js are two popular technologies in web development, but they serve different purposes within the development stack. Node.js is a runtime environment used for backend services, while React is a front-end library focused on building user interfaces of web applications (frontend development). Node.js and React.js are often used together in full-stack JavaScript applications

  • What is React and why use it for your app?

    by UXPin
    What is React and why use it for your app

    Designing an app is complicated at the best of times, so anything that will make it simpler is always welcome. That’s where React comes in. What is React? It is a library of JavaScript code and components designed to make the creation of user interfaces easier. As an open-source framework, it has been used to

  • What is a Front-End Engineer?

    by UXPin
    frontend engineer

    Front-end engineers play a crucial role in shaping the visual and interactive aspects of software applications, contributing to the overall success of the product. They are the ones who develop the user interface and user experience of websites and web applications, ensuring they are visually appealing, interactive, and optimized for performance across various devices and

  • Engineering KPIs — Key Performance Indicators for Your Engineering Team

    by UXPin
    Engineering KPIs

    Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, in engineering are essential metrics used to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of development processes, projects, and teams. By paying close attention to those indicators, engineering teams can assess their performance, identify areas for improvement, and deliver robust, scalable, and secure products that meet user needs and business objectives. Meet

  • NextJS vs React — Which One is Better for Web Development?

    by UXPin
    next js vs react

    Next.js and React are related but serve different purposes and have distinct features. React in the context of Next.js is the foundational library used to build the user interface components, while Next.js provides a framework with added features and conventions for building React-based web applications. Design interactive interfaces without pushing pixels. Bring your coded components


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