
UXPin Blog — Design Studio

  • 7 Best Code Editors for Your Development Needs

    by Niraj Narkhede
    Design Handoff checklist

    Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and with it comes the need for skilled developers who can efficiently write and manage code. A significant aspect of coding is having the right tools to maximize productivity and streamline the development process. This is where code editors come in. In the vast and ever-evolving world of

  • How to Deploy a React App: Step-by-Step Guide

    by Aneeqa Khan
    Designing Car Interfaces 1

    If you are looking to make your web application available to the public, then this article is for you. Today, Aneeqa will guide you through the detailed steps for deploying your ReactJS App created using UXPin Merge. UXPin Merge is an invaluable tool for crafting stunning web applications effortlessly, sans any coding. By leveraging its

  • Still hungry for the design?

    UXPin is a product design platform used by the best designers on the planet. Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes.

    Start your free trial
  • How to Run React App Locally – A Step-by-Step Guide

    by Niraj Narkhede
    throwaway prototyping

    Are you ready to dive into the world of React but not sure how to get your local application up and running? Well, you’ve clicked on the right article! Whether you’re a budding frontend developer eager to showcase your newly acquired React skills or simply someone curious about what it takes to launch a local

  • Laravel and Tailwind CSS — A Quick Integration Guide

    by UXPin
    Web Design Basics min

    If you’re developing a web application that requires both robust backend functionalities and a flexible, stylish frontend, Laravel and Tailwind CSS make a perfect combination. There are several other popular CSS frameworks and libraries you can use with Laravel. Tailwind CSS stands out from other CSS frameworks due to several distinctive features that cater to

  • Node JS vs React JS – A Quick Comparison of Two JavaScript Frameworks

    by UXPin
    Why do developers use frameworks

    Node.js and React.js are two popular technologies in web development, but they serve different purposes within the development stack. Node.js is a runtime environment used for backend services, while React is a front-end library focused on building user interfaces of web applications (frontend development). Node.js and React.js are often used together in full-stack JavaScript applications

  • 5 Amazing Blog Layouts for a Beautiful Blog Design

    by UXPin
    empty states

    A blog layout refers to the structure and organization of content on a blog — a webpage that features various types of content, from paragraphs of text to high-quality images or eye catching graphics. Blog content can be about company updates, how-to manuals, personal stories, and more. From a design perspective, a blog is often

  • DesignOps – How to Improve Your Design Workflow and Operations

    by UXPin
      DesignOps How to Improve Workflow

      With the fierce competition on the market, hiring top design talent is no easy feat. However, bringing a group of experienced, skilled people into one place is only part of success. Among others, to build a thriving product design team you must also invest in design operations (also known as DesignOps). We’ve written a whole

    • What is React and why use it for your app?

      by UXPin
      What is React and why use it for your app

      Designing an app is complicated at the best of times, so anything that will make it simpler is always welcome. That’s where React comes in. What is React? It is a library of JavaScript code and components designed to make the creation of user interfaces easier. As an open-source framework, it has been used to

    • Four persona examples for UX/UI design

      by UXPin
        Four persona examples for UX UI design

        As UX/UI designers, we have to keep in mind that we’re creating a product for real people. A user persona is a perfect tool to humanize our research data. We’ll look at some UX persona examples later. When we say the target user is women 35-60 years of age, our brains read it as numbers

      • 15 Timeless Prototyping Articles for UX Practitioners

        by UXPin
          List of UX Articles

          Prototyping is one of the most useful UX practices available. Rather than showing your static design, prototypes are the living design. Luckily, there’s no shortage of advice online, so if you’re looking for some quick reads on prototyping, check out our favorites below. Still reading articles without practicing prototyping? Start creating with one of the best


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