
UXPin Blog — Design Studio

  • Design Planning 101 – A Step-by-Step Guide

    by UXPin
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    Design planning promotes consistency, scalability, and efficiency throughout the design process, resulting in a higher-quality end product and a more satisfying user experience. Increase your end product’s quality and deliver better user experiences with interactive prototypes from UXPin. Visit our Merge page for more details and how to request access. What is Design Planning? Design

  • High-Fidelity Prototype – How to Create One in UXPin?

    by UXPin
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    Fidelity refers to the level of detail and realism in a prototype or design. It represents how closely the prototype resembles the final product in terms of visual design, interactions, and functionality. High-fidelity prototypes are highly realistic and aim to simulate the final user experience as closely as possible. High-fidelity prototypes (hi-fi prototypes) include visual

  • Top Methods of Identifying User Needs

    by UXPin
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    User needs are the specific requirements and expectations of users that a product or service should fulfill to provide value and enhance their experience. These needs represent users’ perspectives, goals, motivations, pain points, and other human factors. By identifying and addressing user needs, UX designers can create relevant, usable, and possible solutions for the target

  • Still hungry for the design?

    UXPin is a product design platform used by the best designers on the planet. Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes.

    Start your free trial
  • 90s Websites – Key Characteristics & Examples

    by UXPin
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    Trends have a way of repeating themselves. This is perhaps most apparent in fashion – the 1970s drew inspiration from the 1950s, and in a cycle that repeated itself about every 20 years. That said, this design cycle is not exclusive to clothing trends – it can also be seen in other areas, including website

  • What is Desk Research? Definition & Useful Tools

    by UXPin
    What is Desk Research

    Desk research typically serves as a starting point for design projects, providing designers with the knowledge to guide their approach and help them make informed design choices. Make better design decisions with high-quality interactive UXPin prototypes. Sign up for a free trial to explore UXPin’s advanced prototyping features. What is Desk Research? Desk research (secondary

  • ​​Advanced Search UX Done Right — Powerful Examples and Tips

    by UXPin
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    Where basic search displays a list of results, advanced search enables users to refine their search queries for highly targeted results using filters, facet selection, and other parameters. This filtering lets users find specific information faster than sifting through queries–especially when there is vast content. Advanced search is crucial for user experience because it gives

  • UI Grids – All You Need to Know

    by UXPin
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    UI grid systems are essential for responsive design, ensuring layouts adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and resolutions. Designers use grid systems to create fluid layouts that maintain consistency and visual hierarchy, providing an optimal user experience across multiple devices such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Designers can create three UI grid types, including

  • Best Examples of Product Design

    by UXPin
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    As technology continues to advance, so do human expectations. The average person spends about 10 hours a day on devices while interacting with thousands of different platforms. When coupled with the downtrend in attention spans, little room is left for products that are not designed with the user experience in mind. In today’s article, we

  • Pagination Examples that Work – We Analyzed the Most Effective Strategies

    by UXPin
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    Pagination is a design pattern used to divide content into separate pages. It’s a fundamental component of digital product design, particularly important when dealing with large amounts of data or content, like e-commerce sites, blogs, data tables, or any other content-heavy platform. Sometimes pagination design patterns are visible, like the examples above, but other times

  • 5 Inspiring React Web Apps with Great UX

    by UXPin
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    In the ever-evolving landscape of web applications, React has emerged as a preferred choice for app makers. The open-source Javascript library’s powerful features and flexible ecosystem enable the development of engaging, high-performance web apps with exceptional user experiences. We explore the benefits of using React from a UX perspective. We also look at five examples

  • How Do You Incorporate Feedback into Your Designs?

    by UXPin
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    Constructive feedback provides UX designers with different perspectives, helping to highlight areas that may require improvement or revision. This process is essential as designers are often too close to their projects, blinding them from possible flaws or enhancements. Feedback helps align product design with user needs and business goals, improving the design’s usability, user experience,

  • Agile vs. Scrum vs. Kanban – Comparing Top 3 Project Management Methodologies

    by UXPin
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      Choosing the ideal project management methodology enables users to optimize results by identifying and handling the critical components of their projects. This ensures that teams are able to manage deadlines and budgets by leveraging specific processes.  For example, agile methodologies (as the term suggests), focus on dynamic communication and constant feedback among cross-functional teams and


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