
UXPin Blog — Design Studio

  • A Guide to Creating Your First React App

    by UXPin
    A Guide to Creating Your First React App

    Most developers can create their first React apps rather quickly because they already have experience using JavaScript. Let’s see how the two are related, what you need to build your first React app, and how to practice React. Key takeaways: Speed up development of your first React app with UXPin’s Merge technology. Bring React components

  • Still hungry for the design?

    UXPin is a product design platform used by the best designers on the planet. Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes.

    Start your free trial
  • What is Design-Driven Development?

    by UXPin
    design driven development

    Prioritizing user experience and functionality has reshaped how we approach software creation, leading to the rise of design-driven development (DDD). This approach isn’t about aesthetics–it’s about understanding, empathizing, and delivering solutions that resonate with end users. Key takeaways: UXPin’s Merge technology bridges the design-development gap, enhancing collaboration and facilitating realistic, user-centric prototyping. Deliver design-driven products

  • Design System Contribution Model – How to Set it Up

    by UXPin
    design system contribution model

    Navigating design system contribution can be challenging, often demanding coordinated efforts from multiple stakeholders. This article serves as a comprehensive guide, laying down the structured roadmap of a design system contribution model to standardize practices and ensure quality. From identifying key stakeholders to creating an agile workflow for contributions, it covers every aspect, including how

  • Multi-Brand Design System – How to Get Started

    by UXPin
    multi brand design system

    Developing digital products from scratch requires a lot of resources. Multi-brand design systems enable organizations to build once, duplicate, and customize–saving thousands of design and development hours. This centralized approach to design systems means organizations can share costs across different brands while providing a framework to enter markets with new products much faster. Sync your

  • Re-Imagining Iress Design Tools – Iress Case Study

    by Nick Elliot
    Iress Merge 2

    As with many design systems teams, at Iress, we want our design system (which we call the IDS) to be more than simply a set of components. We want our design system to be a framework that our colleagues love to use and something that helps anyone at Iress create great experiences for the people using our product and services.

  • How to Become a Product Designer

    by UXPin
    how to become a product designer

    Are you navigating the journey to becoming a product designer? This guide reveals the product design essentials you’ll need to master, from skills and qualifications to networking and career progression. Discover how to align business goals with user needs, craft compelling products, and grow in the ever-evolving product design landscape. Key takeaways: Stand out from

  • Functional Prototype – A Short Guide for Digital Product Designers

    by UXPin
    Functional Prototype 1 min

    A functional prototype is a working model of a product that demonstrates its core functionalities. Through UXPin’s Merge technology, designers can seamlessly convey their designs to developers.  Key Takeaways: Merge technology integrates React components into a design editor, allowing designers to create prototypes. These interactive React components are utilized by developers in the final product.

  • Figma Component Library vs UXPin Component Library – Which is Better?

    by UXPin
    figma component library

    Figma Component Libraries are a great way to create and share reusable UI elements with team members. Designers can use Figma components to build user interfaces and prototypes, and they help to maintain consistency across projects.  However, Figma Component Libraries have some limitations, such as the inability to create interactive prototypes. UXPin Merge is a

  • Is MUI for Figma the Best Solution for Designers? [+ Alternative Inside]

    by UXPin
    figma mui

    MUI (Material-UI) is a widely-used React UI framework built on Google’s Material Design principles, empowering organizations with customizable components and styles to align with brand standards.  This article delves deep into its MUI for Figma’s capabilities and limitations. We also explore the alternative approach of integrating MUI with UXPin’s Merge technology, including a real-world example

  • What’s the Difference Between Figma vs AdobeXD vs UXPin?

    by UXPin
    Difference Between Figma vs AdobeXD vs UXPin

    Figma, AdobeXD, and UXPin are three leading user experience design tools for designing digital products. We compared these three platforms and how they stack up regarding UI design, mockups, prototyping, and collaboration. Read on to discover which design tool is best for your project demands and team needs. Key takeaways: Solve hidden usability issues and


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