Join our Free Webinar: “Removing Friction from Design System Workflows”

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Collaboration doesn’t end at the design handoff stage, right? Yet, seldomly is it discussed what happens next. We’re inviting you to a webinar that will show you how enterprise teams like Porsche, IBM, and Salesforce collaborate to boost their design system adoption and scale consistency.

Spoiler alert! You can replicate those strategies to amplify collaboration at your organization. Join us on Wednesday, May 29th, for a free webinar: “Removing Friction from Design System Workflows.”

👉 Save your free spot here.

What will we cover during the webinar?

Wanna ship products faster? Then, you need to master processes and tools that will get you there. This webinar will give you first-hand experience on what you can do to keep the speed of action in a multi-disciplinary team of engineers, designers, and stakeholders.

You’ll learn:

  • How to empower developers and designers to communicate using live examples
  • How to increase the adoption of your design system with interactive documentation
  • How to streamline efficient bug reporting and updating the design system library

👉 Save your spot here.

About the expert

We invited Tomek Sułkowski to host this webinar. He’s a DevRel and a founding engineer of StackBlitz – an in-browser dev environment for building web apps. He helps teams optimize the browser development environment by utilizing a variety of built-in, open-source, and commercial tools.

During the webinar, he will explain how to enhance collaboration between designers and developers, as well as, stay in control of design system adoption with dev environments, version control systems, and design tools.

Sign up to discover the secrets of real-time collaboration and boost quality of output.

👉 Save your spot here.

Laravel and Tailwind CSS — A Quick Integration Guide

Web Design Basics min

If you’re developing a web application that requires both robust backend functionalities and a flexible, stylish frontend, Laravel and Tailwind CSS make a perfect combination.

There are several other popular CSS frameworks and libraries you can use with Laravel. Tailwind CSS stands out from other CSS frameworks due to several distinctive features that cater to modern web development practices, such as utility-first approach, high customizability, and more.

Let’s see how to make Laravel and Tailwind CSS work together.

Generate code-backed Tailwind UI components with UXPin Merge. Its Merge AI plan allows you to generate complex Tailwind components with a prompt. Do you need a table, navigational menu or user profile card? Our AI component generator have your back! Use this feature and our built-in library to design UI that you can copy the code off. Try UXPin Merge for free.

Create beautiful layouts without designers

Design production-ready prototypes 8.6x faster. No pixels. pure code.

Why Tailwind CSS works great with new Laravel projects

Tailwind CSS stands out from other CSS frameworks due to several distinctive features that cater to modern web development practices. Here are some reasons why Tailwind CSS might be a better choice than other frameworks depending on your specific project requirements:

  1. Utility-First Approach: Tailwind CSS is built around the concept of utility-first, meaning it provides low-level utility classes that you apply directly in your HTML. This approach encourages you to think about styling in terms of constraints and systems rather than traditional semantic CSS, which can lead to more consistent and maintainable codebases.
  2. High Customizability: Unlike frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation, which come with predefined component styles, Tailwind allows developers to create custom designs without fighting against the default styles that need to be overridden. You can design unique UIs that don’t look like they come from the same template.
  3. Responsive Design Made Simple: Tailwind makes it extremely easy to build responsive designs with its mobile-first philosophy. You can control every style of your application on different screen sizes using simple modifiers appended to your utility classes, such as md:, lg:, and so on.
  4. No JavaScript Dependency: Tailwind doesn’t include any JavaScript by default, which makes it purely focused on styling. This can be a significant advantage if you want to control exactly what JavaScript runs on your site or if you prefer to use other libraries for interactivity.
  5. PurgeCSS Integration: Tailwind integrates seamlessly with tools like PurgeCSS, which strips out unused CSS when building for production. This means that despite having thousands of utility classes, the final CSS bundle that goes to the client can be extremely small and fast-loading.
  6. Rapid Prototyping: The utility-first approach lets you quickly see changes and iterate on design directly in the markup. This can speed up the process of experimenting with different designs and layouts without the overhead of going back and forth between CSS files and HTML.
  7. Developer Experience: Tailwind provides a consistent and easy-to-remember set of utility classes that can reduce the cognitive load when styling elements. This can lead to faster development times and less context switching between HTML and CSS.
  8. Growing Community and Ecosystem: Tailwind CSS has a rapidly growing community and an increasing number of plugins and integrations that extend its functionality, such as Tailwind UI for complete design patterns and components.

While Tailwind CSS offers numerous benefits, it’s important to consider that it does have a learning curve, especially for those accustomed to traditional CSS or more semantic frameworks. The choice between Tailwind and other frameworks should depend on your project needs, team familiarity, and specific preferences in web development workflows.

What are typical Laravel and Tailwind CSS use cases?

Tailwind CSS can be a fantastic choice for a wide range of Laravel projects due to its flexibility, customizability, and utility-first approach. Here are some types of Laravel projects where Tailwind CSS particularly shines:

Single Page Applications (SPAs)

For projects where Laravel serves as a backend API and the frontend may be handled by Vue.js, React, or another JavaScript framework, Tailwind CSS provides a quick and efficient way to style responsive layouts and components. Its utility-first approach allows developers to rapidly prototype and iterate on the UI design.

Dashboards and Admin Panels

Tailwind’s utility classes make it easy to create custom and responsive dashboards or admin panels. The framework’s responsiveness and component-driven structure are ideal for building complex UIs that require a high level of customization.

E-commerce Platforms

Tailwind can help create visually appealing and highly customized interfaces for e-commerce platforms built with Laravel. It supports diverse product displays, complex form inputs, and varied layouts that are common in e-commerce sites.

Blogs and Content Management Systems

Tailwind can be used to style blogs and CMS platforms, providing the flexibility to customize themes and layouts easily. Its utility classes help in quickly adjusting typography, spacing, and other elements crucial for content-driven sites.

Educational Websites

For websites that feature online learning or courses, Tailwind CSS can help design clear, readable, and engaging interfaces. It’s particularly useful for creating layout grids, text utilities, and responsive designs that enhance the user experience on educational platforms.

SaaS Products

Startups and businesses building SaaS products with Laravel as the backend can benefit from Tailwind’s scalable and maintainable styling approach. Tailwind facilitates the creation of a cohesive look and feel across the entire application, which is vital for brand consistency.

Marketing Websites

When using Laravel to build a marketing or portfolio website, Tailwind CSS’s design flexibility enables developers to implement creative, modern designs that stand out, without heavy reliance on custom CSS.

Social Networks

For social networking platforms with complex user interfaces, Tailwind CSS helps manage various UI components such as modals, dropdowns, timelines, and feed layouts effectively and responsively.

How to integrate Tailwind CSS with Laravel

You could go traditional route of setting up a Laravel project and instaling Tailwind CSS. Yet, we have a tool that will help you streamline front-end development — UXPin Merge. This is a UI builder for creating interfaces with Tailwind UI components. Thus, the first step of integrating Tailwind with Laravel is to do UI exploration in UXPin.

Step 1: Create UI design in UXPin

Go to UXPin and start a new project. Open a Tailwind UI library (an official Tailwind CSS library of reusable components) that’s available on Merge AI plan (or on free trial.) Choose components that your project requires and set up their properties. Can’t see a relevant component? Use AI Component Creator to generate a component you need.

Let’s say we’re building a marketing website. What’s cool about UXPin Merge is that you can copy the code from Tailwind UI library and paste it to UXPin’s editor, using an extra component in Tailwind UI library called Custom Component.

Here’s how:

  1. Go to Tailwind UI > Hero Section
  2. Copy the code by clicking the Copy icon in the top right corner.
  3. Open UXPin’s prototype.
  4. Copy the code in the Custom Component.
  5. Pick another section and repeat the steps above.

This is the fastest way of building a code-based UI. If you need a custom section that you can’t find in the Tailwind UI resources, use AI Component Creator to generate one based on your prompt. We cover how to use it in this article: ChatGPT in UI Design.

Then, you can use Global Theming for Tailwind UI library in UXPin to make your design consistent.

Step 2: Set up a Laravel project

The next step is to set up a new Laravel project or open your existing one.

  1. Install prerequisites such as PHP, Composer (dependency manager), and Node.js with npm.
  2. Install Laravel using Composer if you’re starting a new project.
  3. Open your Laravel project in Visual Studio Code or StackBlitz.
  4. Install recommended VS Code extensions for Laravel development, such as PHP Intelephense and the Laravel Extension Pack.
  5. Configure your environment by adjusting settings in the .env file.

Step 3: Install Tailwind CSS

Install Tailwind CSS via npm, setting up your tailwind.config.js, and configuring your CSS files to include Tailwind’s directives. You’ll also need to adjust your Webpack configuration through Laravel Mix to ensure that Tailwind’s build process is integrated into your asset compilation pipeline.

What you want to do is incorporate the UI design that you’ve created in UXPin into your project. You can copy the code off the component and incorporate it into the thing you’re building. You just need to use a code editor like Visual Studio Code or StackBlitz.

Just open the Preview mode in UXPin and switch to an Inspect tab. Click on the component and you will see that you get the code behind it. Copy it and paste it to your Laravel project.

We covered this step in this webinar:

Step 4: Serve your application

“Serving your application” refers to the process of running your web application on a local development server so that it can be accessed through a web browser. This is a crucial step during development because it allows you to view and interact with your application as it would appear and function on a live web server, albeit in a local and controlled environment.

When you serve a Laravel application, you typically use Laravel’s built-in development server, which can be started with the Artisan command-line tool.

Use Tailwind CSS with Laravel

For developers working on web applications that demand both strong backend capabilities and a stylish, adaptable frontend, Laravel paired with Tailwind CSS is an excellent choice. Unlike other CSS frameworks, Tailwind CSS offers unique advantages for modern web development, including a utility-first approach and extensive customizability. This article also explores how to integrate Laravel with Tailwind CSS effectively.

Quickly build code-backed UIs with UXPin Merge – a powerful UI builder that integrates the power of design and code, so you can create UI designs of your app with pre-built components, AI generation and quick code copy features. Try UXPin Merge for free.

Node JS vs React JS – A Quick Comparison of Two JavaScript Frameworks

Why do developers use frameworks

Node.js and React.js are two popular technologies in web development, but they serve different purposes within the development stack. Node.js is a runtime environment used for backend services, while React is a front-end library focused on building user interfaces of web applications (frontend development).

Node.js and React.js are often used together in full-stack JavaScript applications to handle both server and client-side tasks effectively. Let’s examine them up close and decide if this pairing is fit for your project.

No designers to help you create a UI of your app? No problem! Design it on your own with a developer-friendly UI builder. Build user-friendly, responsive interfaces that are scalable. Try UXPin Merge.

Create beautiful layouts without designers

Design production-ready prototypes 8.6x faster. No pixels. pure code.

What is Node JS?

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. Historically, JavaScript was primarily used for client-side scripting, where scripts written in JavaScript would run on the client’s browser and make web pages interactive.

However, Node.js allows developers to use JavaScript for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser. Thus, Node.js represents a “JavaScript everywhere” paradigm, unifying web application development around a single programming language, rather than different languages for server side and client side scripts.

Node.js operates on the V8 JavaScript engine—the same runtime used by Google Chrome—which compiles JavaScript directly into native machine code. This execution model provides high performance and low latency, making Node.js particularly well-suited for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

Moreover, Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it lightweight and efficient, ideal for environments with high data throughput but low computational power requirements, such as web servers.

The ecosystem around Node.js is vast, with a thriving and active community. It uses npm (Node Package Manager), the largest ecosystem of open source libraries that can be easily installed and added to any project, thus enhancing functionality and reducing development time.

Who uses Node JS

Over the years, Node.js has become a foundational element for many web technologies, fostering innovative platforms and tools such as the MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js) stack, which simplifies the development of full-stack applications entirely in JavaScript. This extensive use and support have cemented Node.js as a pivotal technology in modern web development.

Several high-profile companies have adopted Node.js for various parts of their applications due to its efficiency and scalability.

  1. Netflix — The streaming platform uses Node.js to handle its server-side operations for its streaming service, which demands low latency and high concurrency. This shift has significantly reduced startup time and improved the overall performance of their application.
  2. PayPal — It has transitioned from Java to Node.js for its web applications, which resulted in faster response times and quicker development cycles. The company reported that using Node.js allowed them to handle double the requests per second at a fraction of the response time compared to their previous Java application.
  3. LinkedIn — Other notable examples include LinkedIn, which utilizes Node.js for its mobile app backend, vastly improving the app’s performance and load times.
  4. Uber — It employs Node.js in its massive matching system, valuing the platform’s ability to handle a huge volume of network requests efficiently and effectively.

These companies’ use of Node.js not only highlights its capabilities in handling web-scale applications but also illustrates the growing trend of JavaScript usage across the full stack of technology development, confirming Node.js’s role as a key component in modern web architectures.

Pros and cons of Node JS

Advantages of Node JS

Node.js offers numerous advantages that make it a preferred platform for developers working on various types of projects, especially web-based applications. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Speed and Efficiency: Node.js leverages the V8 JavaScript Engine from Google, which compiles JavaScript directly into native machine code. This allows for faster execution of applications. Its event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O operations further enhance its speed and efficiency, making it suitable for handling data-intensive real-time applications.
  2. Scalability: One of the core strengths of Node.js is its scalability. The event loop, as opposed to traditional threading, allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations. This means Node.js can handle numerous connections simultaneously, making it ideal for high-load applications like live chat apps, online gaming, and collaboration tools.
  3. Unified Programming Language: Node.js uses JavaScript, which is traditionally a client-side programming language. This allows developers to use a single language for both server-side and client-side scripts. This unification helps streamline the development process, as the same team can manage the entire code base, reducing context switching and redundancy.
  4. Robust Technology Stack: Node.js is a key component of various stacks, such as the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js), which allows developers to build powerful and dynamic web applications using end-to-end JavaScript. This integration simplifies the development process and accelerates the delivery of applications.
  5. Strong Community Support: With a vast and active community, Node.js developers have access to countless modules and tools available through npm (Node Package Manager). This extensive ecosystem ensures that developers can find libraries and tools for nearly any functionality they need to implement, significantly speeding up the development process.
  6. Cross-Platform Development: Node.js supports cross-platform development and can be deployed on various operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes it easier for developers to write code that runs seamlessly across different platforms.
  7. Ideal for Microservices Architecture: Node.js fits well with microservices architecture due to its lightweight and modular nature. Companies looking to break down their applications into smaller, interconnected services find Node.js a suitable choice due to its ability to handle asynchronous calls and its efficiency with I/O operations.
  8. Corporate Backing: Node.js has robust corporate support from major tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and IBM, which helps in ensuring continuous development and reliability. This backing also reassures businesses adopting Node.js of its capabilities and long-term viability.

These advantages make Node.js a compelling option for both startups and large enterprises looking to develop efficient, scalable, and innovative web applications.

Weak spots of Node JS

While Node.js offers numerous advantages and is a popular choice for many development scenarios, there are some drawbacks that should be considered when deciding whether it’s the right tool for your project. Here are some of the cons of using Node.js:

  1. Performance Limitations with CPU-Intensive Tasks: Node.js is not suitable for heavy computational tasks. Its single-threaded nature can become a bottleneck when handling CPU-intensive operations. Such tasks can block the event loop, leading to delays in processing other concurrent activities. This makes Node.js less ideal for applications that require complex calculations, image processing, or large data transformations on the server-side.
  2. Callback Hell: Node.js heavily relies on asynchronous code which can lead to what is known as “callback hell” or “pyramid of doom,” where there are multiple nested callbacks. This can make the code hard to read and maintain. Although this issue can be mitigated with modern features such as Promises and async/await, it remains a challenge for beginners or in legacy codebases.
  3. API Stability: In the past, Node.js has faced issues with API stability, where frequent changes have led to backwards-incompatible updates. Although this has improved significantly with the establishment of a stable LTS (Long Term Support) version, rapid changes can still pose a challenge for maintaining and upgrading applications.
  4. Understanding Asynchronous Programming: Asynchronous programming is a core concept in Node.js, and it requires a different mindset compared to traditional linear programming approaches. Developers new to asynchronous programming may find it difficult to understand and implement effectively, which can lead to errors and inefficient code.
  5. NPM Ecosystem Quality: While npm provides a vast number of packages, the quality of these packages can vary significantly. Some packages may be poorly maintained, lack proper documentation, or have security vulnerabilities. The open nature of the npm repository requires developers to be meticulous in choosing reliable and secure packages.
  6. Heavy Reliance on Outside Libraries: Due to JavaScript’s historically limited functionality on the server-side, Node.js applications often rely heavily on middleware and external libraries to handle basic functionalities like routing, security, and interacting with databases. This can sometimes increase complexity and the risk of dependency issues.
  7. Divergence from Conventional Server-Side Programming: Developers familiar with more traditional, multi-threaded server environments (such as Java EE or .NET) might find Node.js’s single-threaded, event-driven architecture challenging. This can require a significant shift in design paradigm and adjustment in development practices.
  8. Developer Expertise and Resources: While JavaScript is widely known among developers, Node.js’s particular style of server-side development may require additional learning or expertise. Companies might face challenges finding developers who are proficient in the nuances of full-stack JavaScript development.

What is React JS

React.js, unlike Node.js, is a client-side JavaScript library developed by Facebook, designed for building user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications where a dynamic interaction model is necessary.

It is used primarily for handling the view layer of web applications, enabling developers to describe their interfaces in terms of a state that changes over time.

React uses a declarative paradigm that makes it easier to reason about your application and aims to be both efficient and flexible. It designs simple views for each state in your application, and when your data changes, React efficiently updates and renders just the right components.

Comparing Node JS vs React JS

Execution Environment

  • Node.js: Runs scripts on the server-side, enabling JavaScript to execute outside the browser. It is used mainly for back-end services like APIs, server logic, database operations, and handling asynchronous operations across a network.
  • React.js: Operates on the client-side, within the user’s browser, to enhance the interface interaction. It can also be rendered server-side using Node.js to improve performance and SEO.


  • Node.js: Utilizes an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, suitable for data-intensive environments that require real-time operations across distributed devices.
  • React.js: Employs a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) that optimizes interactions and updates by re-rendering only parts of the page that have changed, rather than reloading entire views.

Use Case

  • Node.js: Ideal for developing server-side applications where scalability and high concurrency are necessary, such as web servers and RESTful APIs that interact with client applications.
  • React.js: Best suited for developing highly interactive user interfaces and web applications where state management and responsive, real-time updates are crucial.

Development Model

  • Node.js: Encourages modular, asynchronous programming and is heavily reliant on its vast ecosystem, including npm for managing packages.
  • React.js: Promotes component-based architecture, allowing developers to build reusable UI components that manage their state, then compose them to make complex user interfaces.

Integrating Node JS and React JS

While Node.js and React.js can function independently, they are often used together in full-stack JavaScript applications. Node.js can serve as the back-end, handling API requests, interacting with databases, and serving files and React applications, while React runs in the browser, presenting the user interface and making asynchronous calls to the server.

This synergy allows developers to use JavaScript consistently across both client side and server side, streamlining the web development process and reducing the complexity of using different languages for different environments.

In summary, React.js is focused on building user interfaces and improving the interaction experience on the client-side, complementing Node.js’s capabilities on the server-side. Together, they offer a comprehensive approach to developing modern web applications.

Build a React app UI with UXPin Merge

UXPin Merge allows you to use real, production-ready React components to build responsive and highly interactive interfaces. What you design is precisely what gets built, the tool ensures full consistency between UI design and the final product and faster deployments of high-quality products. Try UXPin Merge for free.

The Benefits of Dark Mode and Why You Should Also Dim the Lights in Your Product

On its most basic level, dark mode turns white backgrounds with black text into black backgrounds with white text. The more you explore dark mode, though, the more design opportunities you will discover.

Why should you bother learning about dark mode designs? Here are a few important reasons to get you motivated.

Discover the power of dark mode with UXPin, the ultimate tool for transforming your design ideas into dynamic, fully functional prototypes. UXPin allows you to effortlessly explore dark mode concepts, bringing them to life in a way that closely mimics the final product. This real-time interaction provides invaluable insights, enabling you to fine-tune your designs to enhance aesthetic appeal and user comfort.

Begin your UXPin journey today with a free trial and see how seamlessly you can convert your dark mode visions into interactive prototypes. Experience the potential of UXPin for yourself — start for free now.

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What is dark mode?

Dark mode is a color scheme that uses light-colored text, icons, and user interface elements on a dark background. It’s a popular feature in many apps and operating systems.

Dark mode can often be toggled on and off based on user preference, and some operating systems and applications can automatically switch between dark and light mode based on the time of day or ambient light conditions.

Many popular apps and operating systems have embraced dark mode, incorporating it into their user interface options due to its benefits like eye strain reduction and battery saving. Notably, major operating systems like Windows 10 and 11, macOS, iOS, and Android all offer system-wide dark modes. This setting influences everything from system menus and taskbars to app interfaces, providing a seamless experience across the device.

Dark mode reduces blue light that can interrupt sleep

When it gets dark, your brain naturally begins to produce more melatonin, the chemical that makes you sleepy. Any type of light can disrupt the melatonin levels, so people should ideally avoid all types of light as bedtime approaches. Although no one has found enough evidence to prove it, some studies link exposure to light at night to increased risks for health problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Blue light disrupts melatonin secretion more than other types of light. Unfortunately, computer and smartphone screens bathe your eyes in blue light. Comparative research at Harvard shows that exposure to blue light suppresses melatonin for twice as long as other green light.

Harvard says that people should avoid using bright screens about three hours before bed. Considering that many people look at their phone before going to bed, though, few consumers follow this advice.

Night mode produces significantly less blue light than standard screen settings. Ideally, you shouldn’t use any screens leading up to bedtime. If you do, using dark mode should disrupt sleep much less than standard screen modes that use blue light.

As screentime grows, eyes need more rest

If people only used websites and smartphone apps for short periods during the day, they probably wouldn’t need the benefits of dark mode. Studies show that the amount of time that people spend focused on screens keeps growing, though. Dark mode could serve an important role in curbing the negative health effects without telling consumers to put down their devices—designers and developers don’t want to do that for obvious reasons!

On average, people pick up their phones 58 times per day. Most of the interactions are rather brief:

  • 70% of sessions last less than two minutes.
  • 25% are between two and 10 minutes.
  • Only 5% of sessions last more than 10 minutes.

Cumulatively, though, all of those interactions add up to 3 hours and 15 minutes of screen time.

These statistics only apply to smartphone use during workdays. Now that more people use computers during work, you can safely assume that many of them can add at least 6.5 hours of screen time to the 3 hours 15 minutes that they spend looking at their phones. Even a conservative estimate shows that people expose themselves to the bright, blue light of computer screens for more than half of the waking day.

Dark mode extends battery life

Smartphone and laptop sellers often use long battery lives as selling points that will convince consumers to spend more money on devices. Battery life certainly matters in a mobile device, but users probably have much more control than they think about how long charges will last.

When testers compared the battery life of iPhones, they found that they could play video for 15 hours on the phone using light mode while the dark mode phone kept working for 20 hours. They got a 33% increase in battery life just by switching to dark mode.

The researchers point out that only smartphones with OLED screens will get the benefit of extended battery life. LCD screens use about the same amount of energy regardless of the type of light they use, so they probably won’t work longer while in dark mode.

You can explore more design options with dark mode

Dark mode gives designers more opportunities to explore design options for their products. A white screen can make it difficult to view certain colors. Light blue, for example, may force you to concentrate on text much carefully against a light background than a dark one.

The move toward darker designs has been much more prevalent in mobile apps than websites. Many app designers like to dim the lights because the darker environment:

  • Increases contrast between backgrounds, oversized images, and text.
  • Makes it easier for image-heavy designs to look professional.
  • Younger people who play a lot of video games have gotten used to dark color schemes, so they expect to find a similar aesthetic used by apps.

Finally, there’s no denying that a black background makes certain colors pop! When you dim the background—or start using completely black backgrounds—you can make light blue, pink, yellow, and other colors stand out. These colors would blend into a white background, but they look stunning against black.

Consumers want the option to choose dark mode

Maybe you don’t care a lot about the effects of blue light, extending battery life, or exploring designs that work better on a black background. All of those points aside, you still care about making your products popular. Unpopular products don’t survive, which could mean that your job title doesn’t survive long, either.

Over the last few years, there has been a significant trend toward dark mode. Tech giants like Google, Facebook, YouTube, Apple, and Twitter have adopted dark mode options, creating an important trend within the design industry. About 70% of software engineers prefer working in Dark Theme IDEs, so it seems natural for them to create tools with dark backgrounds and colored text.

Ultimately, though, the consumer matters most. As more people start watching videos online, dark backgrounds have become standard on websites like YouTube. In August 2019, 2.08 billion people worldwide said that they watched videos on their smartphones. When it comes to viewing videos on computers, 1.87 billion people admitted to it during the same month. Interestingly, a much smaller number (1.64 million) said that they watched online videos via their smart TVs.

Related articles: Dark Mode Feature as an Ultimate Solution in Mobile App Design

Light mode vs dark mode benefits

Both modes have their place depending on user preferences, the ambient environment, and specific use cases. Many modern devices and apps offer the ability to switch between modes based on the time of day or user settings, providing optimal comfort and usability across different scenarios.

Light Mode Benefits

  1. Better Readability in Bright Conditions: Light mode tends to work better in brightly lit environments, making it easier to read text on a stark white background.
  2. Familiarity and Preference: Many users find light mode more visually appealing and easier to use during the day due to its resemblance to daylight conditions.
  3. Better Color Accuracy: Light mode displays colors more vibrantly and accurately, which is particularly important for tasks that require precise color discrimination.

Dark Mode Benefits

  1. Reduced Eye Strain in Low Light: Dark mode is easier on the eyes in low-light conditions, reducing glare and helping to minimize eye strain during nighttime use.
  2. Energy Efficiency on OLED Screens: On OLED and AMOLED screens, dark mode can significantly reduce power consumption as these displays turn off black pixels completely.
  3. Aesthetically Pleasing: Many users find dark mode stylish and modern, offering a different visual experience that is often perceived as less harsh than light mode.
  4. Potentially Better Sleep: Reducing exposure to bright screens, especially in the evenings, can help decrease blue light exposure, which may improve sleep quality.

Explore more design concepts with UXPin prototypes

Dark mode isn’t the perfect solution for every product’s design. Since consumers and developers like having the option to switch to dark mode, though, it makes sense for more designers to test dark mode concepts.

UXPin gives you an easy way to explore dark mode concepts by turning designs into fully functional prototypes. UXPin prototypes respond to interactions just like their final products will, giving you opportunities to tweak your dark mode versions to make sure they look attractive and make users more comfortable. Start your free UXPin trial to see how easily you can turn your dark mode designs into interactive prototypes. Try UXPin for free.

5 Amazing Blog Layouts for a Beautiful Blog Design

empty states

A blog layout refers to the structure and organization of content on a blog — a webpage that features various types of content, from paragraphs of text to high-quality images or eye catching graphics. Blog content can be about company updates, how-to manuals, personal stories, and more.

From a design perspective, a blog is often optimized for readability and navigation, with features such as categories, tags, archives, and search functionality to help users find content of interest. Additionally, blogs often incorporate images, videos, and animations to make user experience more enjoyable and unique.

In this article, we will go through the most important elements of the blog layout and we will show you a list of best blog designs that you can copy.

Create a well-optimized and user-friendly blog layout with UXPin Merge – drag-and-drop UI builder that makes web design extremely easy. Choose components, arrange them on the canvas, and then, change their properties to create a unique UI that reflects your brand. Try UXPin Merge for free.

Create beautiful layouts without designers

Design production-ready prototypes 8.6x faster. No pixels. pure code.

What is a blog?

A blog is a type of website or section of a website that is regularly updated with new content, typically in the form of articles, posts, or entries. These entries are often displayed in reverse chronological order, with the newest content appearing first.

Blogs can cover a wide range of topics and purposes, including personal journals, professional insights, news updates, tutorials, reviews, and more. They often provide a platform for individuals or organizations to share their thoughts, expertise, or experiences with an audience.

Overall, blogs play a significant role in web design as they provide a dynamic and engaging way for creators to connect with their audience and share content online.

What to include in a blog layout?

A blog layout can have various design elements that influence navigation and user experience. Le’s go through some of them.


The header is situated on the top of the page. It usually contains the blog title or logo, along with navigation menu that features links to other pages of the blog, such as blog homepage, about page, contact page, and blog categories.

By appearing at the top of the page, the header provides a consistent visual element throughout the blog. This consistency helps users orient themselves and reinforces the blog’s brand identity across all pages.

Additionally, the header is often the first thing visitors see when they land on the blog. A well-designed header creates a positive first impression, drawing visitors in and encouraging them to explore further.

Blog content area

This is where the blog articles are displayed. Each post typically includes a title, the author’s name, publication date, content (text, images, videos), and social sharing buttons.

A well-designed content area enhances the overall user experience by making it easy for visitors to read and engage with the blog posts. Clear typography, appropriate use of white space, and sufficient contrast between text and background contribute to readability.

Moreover, content areas are important for boosting search engine optimization. Including relevant keywords in the content areas, such as in the body text, subheadings, and meta descriptions, helps search engines understand the topic of the blog post. This increases the likelihood of the blog post appearing in search engine results pages (SERPs) when users search for those keywords.

Search engines prioritize content that provides value to users and is well-organized. Content areas that offer insightful, informative, and well-structured content are more likely to rank higher in search results. Additionally, well-organized content makes it easier for search engine crawlers to index and understand the content, which can positively impact SEO.


The sidebar is located either on the left or right side of the main content area and often contains additional elements such as:

  • Search bar — Allows users to search for specific content within the blog.
  • Blog categories and tags — Help users navigate and filter content based on topics or themes.
  • Recent articles — Lists links to the most recent blog posts.
  • Featured articles — Highlights links to the blog’s most popular or trending content.
  • Call to action links — Allows users to perform an action that’s desired by the blog owner, such as subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed or email newsletter, located here to maximize conversions.
  • Social media links — Links to the blog’s social media profiles for users to follow or share content.

The footer typically contains links to important pages, such as the privacy policy, terms of service, copyright information, and contact details. It may also include additional navigation links or widgets.

Footers contribute to the overall design consistency of the blog by providing a uniform layout and visual style across all pages. Consistent placement of elements such as navigation links, copyright information, and links to other pages reinforces the blog’s brand identity and professionalism.

5 Examples of blog layouts

We gathered a collection of successful blog designs to show you how to create your own blog design.


animalz blog layout

A perfect example of a minimalist design a business blog of content marketing agency — Animalz. With a black and white color scheme, this blog is structured like an online newspaper (matrix web structure). It has a prominent blog post with a featured image at the center of the page, and the rest of the articles are positioned as cards.

You can use MUI components that are built-in UXPin if you want to create a similar blog. Take a menu component and put it on the canvas, then arrange a couple of cards in responsive layout structure.

Zen habits

zen habits blog layout

This is a lifestyle blog example that knows well its target audience — individuals interested in personal development, mindfulness, simplicity, productivity, and minimalism. Zen Habits, founded by Leo Babauta, focuses on helping people cultivate habits and lifestyles that promote mindfulness, and overall well-being.

The blog structure reflects those values. With an ample use of white space, elegant typography, and minimalist color scheme, the website design evokes the feelings of serenity, focus, and peace.

Our trial kit contains a similar blog card template that you may use as a landing page of your blog. Like in Zen habits, it features the most recent article. You can quickly add a button with a call to action at the end that makes readers see more articles from the author.

Huberman Lab

huberman lab blog layout

A blog can also feature a list of podcasts and Huberman’s Lab is a great example of that. Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University who is known for his work on brain plasticity, neuroscience, and optimizing human performance.

Besides its minimalistic color palette, you should note an excellent search option on this blog. It’s very user-friendly and helps you find the right information without scrolling through the entire archive. The blog has also well-thought-out categories to make the target audience focus on the topics they’re interested in.


travel blog layout

People write travel blogs for various reasons, often driven by personal passion, professional interests, or a combination of both. That’s why we included a well-known travel blog in this article. Travelfloss is a blog with travel tips and gear reviews. It’s a great blog for anyone who wants to learn about real travel experience.

They have a well-made navigation menu that features their social media accounts and a great footer with the best links that make the site easy to consume. Every blog entry has lots of eye-catching photographs that make reading more enjoyable.

What also stands out as a design element are tags that also aid navigation. Travelfloss is easy to replicate if you’re looking for a user-friendly blog template.

Sixteen Ventures

business blog layout

Here’s another example of a business blog. Lincoln Murphy, the author behind Sixteen Ventures is a Customer Success expert who consults the teams wanting to improve their customer experience. At first, his blog looks like any other WordPress theme, but it a well-designed sidebar that we haven’t seen so far.

If you want to advertise other ventures to your audience, a sidebar is a great solution. You can promote your newsletter there, invite people to listen to a podcast or sign up for your course.

Blog layout best practices

Here are seven best practices for blog layout design:

  1. Clear and intuitive navigation: Make sure that visitors can easily find their way around your blog. Use a clear and intuitive navigation menu that prominently displays categories, tags, and other important sections.
  2. Mobile responsiveness: With an increasing number of users accessing websites from mobile devices, it’s crucial to ensure that your blog layout is responsive and looks good on smartphones and tablets. Opt for a responsive design that adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations.
  3. Readable typography: Choose a legible font for your blog posts, headings, and navigation elements. Pay attention to font size, line spacing, and contrast to ensure optimal readability, especially on smaller screens. Aim for a font size of at least 16 pixels for body text.
  4. Visual hierarchy: Use visual cues such as headings, subheadings, bold text, and bullet points to create a clear hierarchy of information. This helps readers scan your content quickly and find the most important points. Employ whitespace generously to enhance readability and create a sense of balance.
  5. Engaging multimedia content: Incorporate multimedia elements such as images, videos, infographics, and interactive widgets to enhance your blog posts and make them more engaging. Visual content can break up long blocks of text, illustrate concepts, and capture readers’ attention.
  6. Consistent branding: Maintain a consistent visual identity across your blog, including colors, typography, imagery, and logo placement. Consistent branding helps reinforce your blog’s identity and makes it easier for visitors to recognize and remember your brand.
  7. Optimized loading speed: Optimize your blog layout for fast loading times to provide a smooth user experience. Minimize unnecessary elements, use efficient coding practices, and optimize images and multimedia files to reduce page load times. A fast-loading blog not only improves user satisfaction but also contributes to better search engine rankings.

By following these best practices, you can create a blog layout that not only looks appealing but also provides a user-friendly experience, encourages engagement, and supports your blogging goals.

Create a blog layout in UXPin

A well-designed blog prioritizes readability and navigation, offering features like categories, tags, and search functionality to guide users seamlessly through the content. By incorporating multimedia elements such as images, videos, and animations, blogs enhance the overall user experience, making it both enjoyable and engaging.

For those looking to streamline the design process, tools like UXPin Merge offer intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to create custom UI designs with ease. With the ability to select components, arrange them on the canvas, and customize their properties, UXPin Merge empowers you to bring your vision to life effortlessly.

Begin your journey towards a well-optimized and user-friendly blog layout today with UXPin Merge. Try it for free.

DesignOps – How to Improve Your Design Workflow and Operations

DesignOps How to Improve Workflow

With the fierce competition on the market, hiring top design talent is no easy feat. However, bringing a group of experienced, skilled people into one place is only part of success. Among others, to build a thriving product design team you must also invest in design operations (also known as DesignOps).

We’ve written a whole ebook about DesignOps that will help you understand the role and see if you would be great as a DesignOps leader. Get it here: DesignOps 101: Guide to Design Operations.

In this article, we’ll explain what DesignOps is and how you can use it to improve the digital design system in your organization. We’ll discuss areas such as cross-team collaboration, goal setting, and information exchange systems, along with using the right DesignOps software.

A great software piece that supports your design operations is UXPin. Together with its Merge technology, it helps you scale design to the extraordinary level. Start building prototypes by dragging and dropping real building blocks of your app and streamline design. Check out UXPin Merge.

Reach a new level of prototyping

Design with interactive components coming from your team’s design system.

What is DesignOps?

You may have heard about DevOps, but what is DesignOps?

DesignOps (short for Design Operations) is the optimization of design processes, people, and technologies to streamline product design and add business value. Among others, it circles around:

DesignOps is a relatively new term, which is why you might be wondering – how did it come to life? 

In the past, designers used to wear many hats. They did the UX research, wrote UX stories, wireframing, and more. While this approach might still work well for some teams, it is unproductive at scale. Here’s where DesignOps comes in, helping orchestrate teamwork and building clear structure and roles.

That being said, DesignOps isn’t an isolated, ‘design-team-only’ exercise reserved for design organizations. It requires lots of information sharing with other stakeholders (especially, software developers). By following a set of practices, your designers can enhance the quality of these interactions, focus on effective goal completion, and free the time for other initiatives.

Why is design operations gaining more ground?

For starters, both business and user requirements are becoming more complex (which also means that clients are also becoming more unforgiving). According to a report by PwC, one in three customers will leave a business after just one bad customer experience. Unsurprisingly, the challenge to keep up with client expectations also accelerates product development life cycles. And, as teams try to keep up with a growing workload, there’s the risk of miscommunication among designers and between designers and developers

Teams might work in isolation on the basis of inconsistent requirements, which negatively affects the delivery timelines and, ultimately, the UX. DesignOps practices help companies overcome these bottlenecks and create harmony between design and development teams. 

Let’s now take a closer look into the role of DesignOps Management.

The Role of DesignOps

The main role of design operations management is to protect the time of the design team so that they can focus on doing their jobs without obstacles or distractions. You can read more about it in our DesignOps 101 ebook. Here is how a DesignOps role plays out day-to-day:

Operations management

This role involves creating a clear design roadmap of what the long-term goals of the design team are and how they can be achieved. It is also their job to assess the headcount of the design team and identify any skill gaps. 

Process design

DesignOps plan and manage the design process by creating design systems and mapping out the design tools that the team needs. They create the frameworks of how the design team should collaborate with product teams and any other team within the entire organization.

Project management 

They are in charge of design workflows, assign projects, set timelines, and remove any bottlenecks. The DesignOps team schedules daily standup meetings to find out the progress of design projects. They also organize and run design sprints. 

Creating a communication strategy

The design operations manager acts as the liaison between the design team and the rest of the organization. They evangelize the value of design and set team meeting agendas.

The design leader ensures communication flow with product managers and a product development team. DesignOps creates a system for storing all the files and resources that the design team needs for easy retrieval. 

Onboarding new hires

They orient new staff, train them, and ensure that they fit into the design team. Hiring new design staff, such as UI or UX designers, is also part of their mandate.

Building the culture of the design team

The DesignOps team organizes workshops and training for the professional development of the design team. They also provide professional and emotional support for designers within their team and organize team-building activities to create a sense of community in the design team

Budget allocation and control

DesignOps establishes how much it costs to run the design team and justifies these costs. Once the budget is approved, they are in charge of how it is distributed within the design team. 


Working with the legal team to create NDAs and participant release forms that are used during user testing

Managing the procurement process

Liaising with the procurement department to streamline how the design team makes purchasing decisions. 

IT and Security

Coming up with the technological roadmap of the design team and working with the IT department to ensure the compatibility and security of design tools.

Tips to improving your design workflow and operations

With the above in mind, let’s now discuss some tips that will help you improve design operation practices in your organization.

1. Let your designers focus on designing

While it might seem like a no-brainer, as mentioned earlier, some companies still expect designers to play multiple roles. Sometimes, a single designer conducts user research, designs the information architecture, UI, and handles UX writing.

While this approach might be effective if you’re a small team or an early-stage startup, bear in mind that it’s not a scalable approach. In the long run, burdening designers with other tasks may hamper the quality of their work.

2. Check the efficiency of your design process

Organizations use various product design and development methods. Some organizations might follow the Design Thinking process, while others might focus primarily on Google’s Design Sprints.

The bottom line is making sure you’re applying the best methodology out there.

With DesignOps, you can find and eliminate inefficiencies in the design workflow. This lets your design team achieve more with less time and resources. As a result, by optimizing work and team performance, you might avoid unnecessary hiring.

3. Use tools for effective remote product design collaborations

While, at small organizations, collaboration between designers might happen organically, it’s not the case with larger (and, especially, remote) teams. To collaborate effectively, it’s important to equip your designers and other product development team members with the right set of tools. Here’s where DesignOps software brings immense value.

UXPin’s Merge is one such tool. For starters, your designers can use UI components imported from your software developers’ Git repo or Storybook. Instead of spending time on creating prototypes from scratch, they can design directly with elements made with real-life code. This way, your team can focus more time on the actual design and maintain consistency with the coded product.

That being said, tools are just part of the puzzle – the remaining element is following the right communication practices, which we discuss next.

4. Establish collaboration routines

Collaboration routines, such as daily standups or weekly meetings, which are usually performed by agile teams, encourage your designers to share regular status updates and – if needed – ask for support. 

An example of how you can instill effective collaboration routines comes from none else but Google. Sophia Chiu, who started off as an intern and now works as an Interaction Designer for the tech giant, says that routines helped her find common ground with the rest of the team

Each week, UX specialists have the opportunity to present their design iterations in front of others and engage in a brainstorming and feedback session. After working in a modest group, they are then given the option to share their designs with the entire, cross-functional product development department. 

This is just one of the many ways you can create an open communication flow among your team members.

5. Make sure that all designers have a clear career path for progression

While hiring people with the right skillset is not an easy task, retaining them is even harder. Fortunately, DesignOps practices can help to tackle these challenges by creating clear career development paths. As the design process matures, the team can feature more specialized roles which will enable designers to acquire new skills. All the while, more experienced individuals will get the opportunity to be promoted to more senior roles.

6. Encourage designers to work collaboratively

Pair programming is frequently used among developers as a way to reduce bugs and errors. In DesignOps, designers can adopt similar models to enhance the efficiency of the design work.

Here are three such pair designing models.

  • Generator and synthesizer

In this model, two designers are paired together to try to generate as many designs as they can. At the same time, they evaluate and synthesize them to create the best one. One designer, i.e., the ‘navigator’, focuses on brainstorming and generating ideas. Meanwhile, the other designer acts as the ‘synthesizer’, and analyzes and raises questions to validate the designs. This approach can help the pair of designers to come up with ideas and evaluate them effectively.

  • Cross-disciplinary pairing

This method is appropriate for product development team members who specialize in different disciplines. It can be used by both designers and non-designers. For example, when designing for an extremely specialized sector, the designer can pair with a domain expert who can provide valuable insights for the design.

A designer can also pair with a front-end engineer in the so-called cross-disciplinary pairing. Such a cross-functional team exercise will provide the designer with an opportunity to experiment with the real-life, coded UI rather than a wireframe. 

  • Pair sketching

Designers can use the pair sketching method to develop wireframes together. In this model, one designer takes the role of the navigator and describes the concept, while the other creates the sketches accordingly. Next, they can switch roles and repeat the same process.

7. Set clear goals for the design team

Clearly communicating the company’s or project’s goals can act as a great motivator for the design team. After all, it helps them to understand the significance of their contribution. 

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are one way of achieving a sense of greater, cross-team purpose. 

Individual (i.e., per-employee) OKRs will help your designers see how their work objectives fit as an element of the greater design puzzle. As a result, they’ll know how their work contributes to the overall outcome of the project.

That being said, it’s also important to measure goals’ achievement progress. A metrics dashboard displaying progress within the team will help keep team members motivated and understand where they might be falling behind.

8. Create a cross-team information sharing system

Removing silos is arguably the top most important reason for building out information sharing systems as part of your DesignOps strategy. To illustrate its importance, let’s once again refer to an analogy from the software development operations’ (DevOps) world. 

Michael Mazyar of Samanage makes a great point of stating that “within silos, the development team might not report a software bug to operations out of fear of being reprimanded. Without an honest and open information sharing system, workflow is not only delayed, but the potential for misinformation increases.” 

The same could potentially happen within your design team, who might not inform others of an ongoing situation. For instance, if they were to encounter a usability glitch, your developers, designers, and operations should all get together to discuss a number or areas, for instance:

  • Does it cause financial loss?
  • How does it affect the overall UX? 
  • Is there a risk of user drop-off?
  • How long would it take to fix & how much would it cost?

With a clear cross-team information communication system, you’ll be able to proactively identify and rectify problems with minimum impact on the end-users.

9. Consider creating a shared vocabulary

A typical content marketing team has a set of editorial guidelines they follow which helps them communicate effectively, and retain the right communication standard. Similarly, design teams should adopt a set of guidelines and a common design language to retain consistency across all their projects.

As an example, Airbnb has adopted a DLS (Design Language System). It consists of a set of components that comply with clearly established principles and patterns. DLS enables all employees to use a shared vocabulary understood by all departments within the organization. This greatly enhances the quality of communication while eliminating ambiguities and discrepancies.

Scale DesignOps with UXPin Merge

The number of challenges that companies face today is growing; customers become more demanding, new products are launched faster, while product life cycles shorten. One of the ways to tackle these challenges is by introducing DesignOps. Not only will it improve your design workflow, but it will also let designers focus on what they do best i.e. design digital products.

All of this will help you build products and services that perfectly correspond to clients’ needs and that are intuitive to use which will positively impact the user experience. If you’re looking for a tool that will improve your design workflow by making collaboration between your designers and software engineers smoother then check out UXPin Merge.

Four persona examples for UX/UI design

Four persona examples for UX UI design

As UX/UI designers, we have to keep in mind that we’re creating a product for real people. A user persona is a perfect tool to humanize our research data. We’ll look at some UX persona examples later.

When we say the target user is women 35-60 years of age, our brains read it as numbers and not people.

But if we say that 42-year-old Martha is married, has two teenage sons and one adult daughter, our brains recognize her as a person.

Build interactive user interfaces with UXPin, an end-to-end prototyping tool that will supercharge the way you design and build UI design. Use features like variables, states, and interactions to design clickable and high-fidelity interfaces that streamline design handoff. Try UXPin for free.

Build advanced prototypes

Design better products with States, Variables, Auto Layout and more.

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What is a user persona? UX persona basics

In user experience and user interface design, a persona is a fictional character that represents a typical user of an app, website, or other product, so that designers can clarify their target user and empathize with them.

A user persona contains critical details about a hypothetical user who will interact with the user interface. And therefore, it provides designers with a nuanced understanding of user behavior, shedding light on the motivations, tendencies, and decision-making processes that influence how users interact with a product. This insight empowers designers to anticipate user actions and design interfaces that seamlessly align with user expectations, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.

These personas are crafted based on extensive research and data collection, allowing designers to empathize with their target audience and design experiences that resonate with them. Let’s see how they are created.

How to build a user persona

Building a user persona in UI design involves creating a fictional representation of your target users to better understand their needs, preferences, behavior, and goals. But before you can create a persona, you’ll need to put a lot of thought and research into it. You want to be sure it accurately reflects real-life users.

Step 1: Give the persona a name

When naming your persona, give the character a first name and combine it with their function. This makes the persona memorable.

A SaaS product for CPAs could have a persona named “Artie the Accountant.” “Millie the Mom” could be a persona for a daycare website.

An app for a pet care business might have a persona named “Pam the Pet Groomer.”

Tip: Add a stock photo or drawing that represents your persona. This helps you identify with the persona and aids memory.

Step 2: Add demographics and interests

Here you give the personal data:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Occupation
  • Location

Have a summary of the character’s personality. You can condense it into a quote that represents attitudes and feelings.

Step 3: Identify frustrations

identify persona's frustrations

Here we look at what the user wants to move away from. What kinds of problems does the user want to solve with your product?

Step 4: Identify wants and aspirations

Identify wants of a Ux persona

This helps us find what kind of experience the user wants from the product.

Step 5: Review and update frequently

As we mentioned earlier, you’ll need to refine your persona during the user testing phase of the project. After the product launch, user feedback will help you keep the persona up to date.

4 Persona examples for UX or UI design

first ux persona

UX persona example #1: mobile website for a supermarket

A local supermarket has its store inventory on a mobile website. This allows shoppers to see what items are in stock and in which aisle they can be found. Users can log in and make a shopping list.

Persona name: Helen the Homemaker

  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Female
  • Marital status: Married
  • Children: Two girls, ages 7 and 9
  • Occupation: Stay-at-home mom
  • Education: Associate’s degree
  • Income: Husband makes $65,000/year
  • Location: Joplin, Missouri
  • Quote: “Family comes first.”
  • Influencers: Oprah, Church leaders
  • Sources of info: Blogs, Facebook groups, TV, radio
  • Goals: Get quality groceries for her family and stay on budget
  • Values: Holds traditional family values
  • Frustrations: Juggling many tasks
  • Aspirations: Wants her family, friends, and church acquaintances to see her as a successful homemaker
second ux persona

UX persona example #2: university website

Both the mobile and desktop versions of the site give students access to class schedules, course syllabi, student events, sporting events, fraternity and sorority mixers, and more.

Persona name: Freddie the Freshman

  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Male
  • Marital status: Single
  • Children: None
  • Occupation: Student
  • Education: High school diploma
  • Income: Allowance from his parents of $500/month on prepaid debit card
  • Location: Austin, TX
  • Quote: “Enjoy life while you’re young.”
  • Influencers: Professors, fraternity brothers
  • Sources of info: TV, the university newspaper, blogs
  • Goals: To be well-liked by his peers
  • Values: Good grades are important, but it’s also important to have a good time
  • Frustrations: He has to choose which college activities are going to let him keep up with his studies
  • Aspirations: To get the most out of the college experience
third ux persona

UX persona example #3: rental car virtual concierge

The app lets users reserve a car and check in when they arrive. Their car has a card inside with a scannable code to confirm they picked up the car. The app sends a confirmation that the user shows it to the security person at the exit. It makes dropping off the car convenient as well.

Persona name: Business Class Ben

  • Age: 43
  • Gender: Male
  • Marital status: Married
  • Children: Three girls, ages 13, 15, and 16
  • Occupation: Manufacturing equipment salesperson
  • Education: MBA
  • Income: $140,000/year
  • Location: Home in Gary, Illinois – travels all over the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.
  • Quote: “You gotta make sacrifices to get ahead in life,”
  • Influencers: Gary Vaynerchuk, Aaron Ross, Trish Bertuzzi
  • Sources of info: The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, finance blogs, sales blogs
  • Goals: To earn enough to have a comfortable retirement
  • Values: Providing good things for his family is the most important
  • Frustrations: Frequent travel is exhausting and wants to get hotels and rental cars without the hassle
  • Aspirations: Wants his business travel to be more enjoyable
fourth ux persona

UX persona example #4: trucking dispatch system

This enterprise software is the next generation in trucking dispatch. It’s designed for trucking companies that specialize in oversize freight that requires a permit.

The system lets dispatch communicate load details, including pickup and drop-off locations, permits required, and appointment times. The driver can accept the work assignment and confirm the completion of pickup and drop-off.

As oversize loads may have route restrictions, the system assists the driver in finding the safest route. It helps the driver find the fueling locations with the best prices.

Persona name: Heavy Haul Henry

  • Age: 51
  • Gender: Male
  • Marital status: Divorced
  • Children: One daughter, age 22
  • Occupation: Truck driver, oversize load specialty
  • Education: Some college
  • Income: $112,000/year
  • Location: Home in Tulsa, OK – travels all over the U.S. and Canada
  • Quote: “Six days on the road and I’m a-gonna make it home tonight.”
  • Influencers: Radio talk show hosts
  • Sources of info: Mostly radio, some television, newspapers
  • Goals: Find the safest routes, get the right permits
  • Values: Has a strong work ethic
  • Frustrations: Inaccurate map programs, satellite link dead spots 
  • Aspirations: Find routes, fuel stops, and overnight parking easily

Build prototypes based on your UI deliverables

Build interactive prototypes that you can quickly test with real users and bring UI design at your company to another level. Instead of drawing static pages, create prototypes that communicate interactions and transitions. Try UXPin for free today.

Unity in Design – Basic Design Concepts Revisted

Best Examples of Product Design min

Unity in UI design is the cohesive arrangement of different elements within a user interface to create a visually harmonious and coherent experience for the end user. It involves organizing interface components such as buttons, icons, text, images, and other graphical elements in a way that they appear to belong together and form a unified whole.

This unity plays a crucial role in enhancing usability, aesthetics, and user satisfaction by creating a cohesive and well-integrated interface that communicates the intended message and facilitates user interactions.

In 2024, unity still remains to be an important principle of design. The evolution of design software and tools has given designers more flexibility and capabilities to achieve unity in innovative ways. For example, advanced software features allow for more precise control over layout, typography, and color palette, making it easier to maintain unity across various platforms.

Build a unified user interfaces and keep them so between design and development. UXPin is a prototyping tool that’s committed to making user interfaces unified. Use its functionalities to achieve a sense of unity that’s easy to replicate in code. Try UXPin for free.

Build advanced prototypes

Design better products with States, Variables, Auto Layout and more.

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What is unity principle of design ?

The unity principle of design is a fundamental concept in graphic and UI design as well as art. It refers to the idea of creating visual harmony and cohesion within the web design or app design. It involves organizing elements of design in a way that they appear to belong together and form a cohesive whole.

By applying the unity principle of design, designers can get a clear message across while keeping the design is visually appealing and easy to understand.

How does unity in design enhance user experience?

color sample library

A unified interface enhances the overall user experience by making it easier for users to understand and navigate the interface. When elements are cohesive and consistent, users can more intuitively interact with the interface, leading to a smoother and more enjoyable experience.

Think of a webpage that doesn’t follow unity as the principle of design. Its header probably contains a mixture of different fonts, sizes, and colors for the logo, navigation menu, and contact information. The logo design clashes with the rest of the page. The navigation menu items are scattered randomly, with no consistent spacing or alignment. Text blocks vary in font size, color, and alignment, making it difficult for users to follow the content flow.

The website lacks a cohesive visual identity and appears haphazardly thrown together. It overwhelms users with conflicting visual elements, making it difficult to navigate and engage with the content. Users may feel disoriented and frustrated due to the lack of unity in design, ultimately leading to a negative user experience and high bounce rates.

Now, imagine a web design that that effectively follows the principle of unity. The heading features a clean and elegant logo that reflects the brand’s identity, using a simple and cohesive color scheme. A minimalist navigation menu is prominently displayed, with clear and consistent typography and use of white space.

The website embodies a sense of unity and coherence throughout its design, creating a tranquil and inviting user experience. The consistent use of color, typography, imagery, and layout reinforces the website’s theme and brand identity. Users feel immersed in a harmonious environment, enhancing their engagement and enjoyment of the website.

This kind of unity can be achieved through visual unity and conceptual unity. Let’s differentiate between the two.

Conceptual unity vs visual unity

designops picking tools options

Conceptual unity and visual unity are two aspects of design that play critical roles in creating cohesive and effective compositions, whether in art, graphic design, product design, or digital interfaces. Understanding the differences between these two types of unity can help designers better execute their projects according to the intended message or function.

Conceptual Unity

Conceptual unity refers to the coherence of the ideas behind a design. It focuses on the underlying theme or narrative that ties all elements of the work together. This type of unity is achieved when all parts of the design support a common message or concept, making the overall purpose of the design clear to the viewer.

Characteristics of Conceptual Unity:

  • Theme Consistency: All elements support a central theme or idea.
  • Message Cohesion: Every part of the design contributes to a unified message, enhancing the communication of a specific concept or story.
  • Emotional or Psychological Impact: The design evokes a consistent emotional response or intellectual engagement from the audience, aligned with the intended concept.

For example, in a marketing campaign, conceptual unity might be achieved through consistent messaging that aligns with the brand’s values across different media and platforms, even if the visual presentation varies.

Visual Unity

Visual unity, on the other hand, refers to the visual cohesiveness of elements within a design. It involves arranging the visual components in a way that they all feel part of a whole, usually by using consistent colors, shapes, sizes, or repeating patterns. Visual unity is crucial in guiding the viewer’s eye across the design and creating a sense of harmony and balance.

Characteristics of Visual Unity:

  • Repetition: Repeating visual elements like colors, shapes, or textures throughout the design.
  • Alignment: Arranging elements in a way that lines up along common axes or follows a specific grid structure.
  • Proximity: Grouping related items close together to emphasize their relationship.
  • Continuation: Creating a visual flow that leads the viewer’s eye through the design in a deliberate path.

Visual unity can be achieved through the consistent use of color schemes, typography, and layout structures across different pages, ensuring the site feels cohesive and navigable.

How to create unified design

design and development collaboration process product communication 1

Creating a unified design involves a thoughtful process that combines both conceptual and visual elements to produce a cohesive result.

Step 1: Fill out a design brief.

Detail the purpose, goals, and target audience of your design project. Include any specific messages or emotions you want to convey. Then, specify any necessary elements or constraints, such as branding guidelines, budget limits, or timelines. Remember to address potential challenges upfront to streamline the design process.

Step 2: Conduct a design workshop.

Get all relevant stakeholders involved in a design workshop, a dedicated time to brainstorm ideas and ensure that the expectations are aligned. Use the workshop to generate creative ideas and explore different approaches to the design. The workshop should end with a clear, agreed-upon direction for the visual and conceptual development of the project.

Step 3: Establish a visual style.

Decide on colors, typography, imagery, and overall aesthetic that align with the design brief. This style should visually communicate the intended message and appeal to the target audience. Then, create a style guide that will document these choices to maintain consistency throughout the design process.

Step 4: Gather content.

Before designing a mockup, start with content. Content-first design will help you determine how to create visual hierarchy and visual interest on the webpage or app page. It will also help you decide which elements should have more visual weight than others.

Step 5: Create a mockup.

Create detailed mockups of your design, which may include digital sketches or prototypes. Refine these mockups by continuously applying design principles to enhance visual and conceptual unity. For example, use balance and alignment to create a structured, aesthetically pleasing layout, arrange content to guide the viewer’s attention effectively, using contrast to highlight key areas, and more.

Step 6: Get feedback.

Have team members and stakeholders review the mockups, focusing on how well they meet the design brief and convey the intended message. If possible, gather feedback from potential users or members of your target audience to get insights into the effectiveness and appeal of your design.

Step 7: Hand the design to development.

Share with devs a prototype that contains specifications such as dimensions, behavior, and interactions. Provide comprehensive documentation to support the developers, including style guides and interaction descriptions. Maintain communication throughout the implementation phase to address any issues that may arise and ensure the design integrity is maintained.

Practice using unity in design

Unity in UI design is about organizing interface elements such as buttons, icons, text, and images in a cohesive manner, ultimately leading to improved usability and user satisfaction.

In 2024, unity remains a vital aspect of design, with advancements in design software providing designers with more tools to achieve it creatively. For instance, advanced features in software like precise layout control and color palette management contribute to maintaining unity across various platforms.

Tools like UXPin facilitate the creation of unified user interfaces by offering functionalities that streamline the design-to-development process. By leveraging such tools, designers can ensure that the unity achieved in design translates seamlessly into the final product. Create user interface designs that have a sense of unity. Try UXPin for free.

15 Timeless Prototyping Articles for UX Practitioners

List of UX Articles

Prototyping is one of the most useful UX practices available. Rather than showing your static design, prototypes are the living design.

Luckily, there’s no shortage of advice online, so if you’re looking for some quick reads on prototyping, check out our favorites below.

Still reading articles without practicing prototyping? Start creating with one of the best tools for interactive prototyping. Unlock 14 days of free trial and get a taste of variables, interactctions, and states that transform the way you build a prototype. Try UXPin for free.

Build advanced prototypes

Design better products with States, Variables, Auto Layout and more.

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1. Three Metaphors for Prototyping

This clever and thought-provoking piece better explains the heart of prototyping through three novel metaphors. A great read for UX practitioners of any level of experience, Matt Yurdana’s article helps understand the point of prototyping by seeing it from a new light.

2. Why Designers Should Never Skip Prototyping

Our own Ben Gremillion explains straightforward why prototyping is not just helpful, it’s practically necessary. If you’re not quite sold on the idea, or new to designing in general, this is a good piece to start

3. Prototyping Your App

In this helpful piece, Javier Cuello gives an overview of a basic prototyping process, exclusively for apps. Because app prototyping has different goals, even prototyping veterans would find this article helpful in translating the process to this new format.

4. How to Build Functional Prototype Fast

Many designers ignore prototyping because they view them as wasteful. This is a misconception, as, with the right tools, prototypes can be built from existing documents and later progressed into new documents. We explain how to build interactive, testable prototypes in UXPin.

5. Paper Prototyping

Shawn Medero discusses everything a UX practitioner needs to know about paper prototyping. While this style has its obvious limitations, for certain purposes nothing is better. This all-inclusive guide explains how, when, and why to use paper over digital mediums.

6. Hi-Fi Prototypes: Design is Our Muse, Code is Our Medium 

Heather Daggett’s perspective on prototypes is something all UX practitioner’s can learn from. Her article gives a good examination of the theory of prototypes, and why she prefers high fidelity. While she suggests coding, even designers who aren’t familiar with this can still learn from topics like “The Prototyping Mindset.”

7. Exploring the Problem Space Through Prototyping 

One of the most reliable voices in UX design, Jared Spool pens an article that lives up to his reputation. His calculated analysis of prototyping reveals how to use it to explore the three dimensions of the problem spaces (technology, business, and users), plus breaks up prototype design into four phases.

8. Creating Perfect User Flows for Smooth UX

Marek Bowers wrote an excellent piece for our blog all about user flows, including how to make them and why they’re important. The article also goes into detail about creating user flows for prototyping, and if implemented can increase low-fidelity prototypes.

9. How Prototyping is Replacing Documentation

Getting philosophical about prototyping, Ian Schoen not only gives a concise description of the prototyping practice, he also analyzes its role in the future of design, and how modern prototypes are making more traditional deliverables obsolete.

10. Rapid Front-end Prototyping with WordPress

Daniel Pataki explains a very specific process of prototyping, using WordPress templates. While this process isn’t for everyone, he makes a few good points to support his favorite method, as long as you’re familiar with WordPress templates and emphasize the rapidity of prototyping.

11. 3 Top Ways to Build a Website Prototype

Another piece from our team, this practical article by Jerry Cao dissects the 3 best methods for the common website prototype. This clear-cut article lists out the theory, process, and pros & cons of the most effective ways to build website prototypes, with real-life examples.

12. 10 Tips for Prototyping Your Designs 

This article gives ten standalone pieces of advice for prototyping in general. Almost common sense in their simplicity, and yet neglected enough to warrant reminding, these tips range from “make user interactions as simple as possible” to how to design for a prototype for a specific audience.

13. Sketching in Code: The Magic of Prototyping

For designers that know code, building coded prototypes can save a lot of time and manpower when it comes time for development. David Verba explains what to pay attention to when building a prototype in code.

14. Best React Prototyping Tools

If designers don’t know how to code but they want to enjoy the benefits of coded prototypes, they can use visual design tools to build their design with React components. Check out what tools make it possible.

15. Design Better and Faster with Rapid Prototyping 

In the age of Agile and Lean UX, designers are making more prototypes, and faster. Lyndon Cerejo’s classic article explains the rapid prototyping process: why making and testing more prototypes will ultimately have a better effect on the final product, and how to reduce waste at the same time.

More Comprehensive Guides

While these articles are nice for quick tips and refresher lessons, to fully understand all the nuances of prototyping, as well as the other documentations like wireframing and mockups, a more complete guidebook works better.

If you’d like to know the finer details, download our UX Design Builder’s Bundle. This package offers 3 of our most popular design ebooks, the complete guides to Wireframes, Mockups, and Prototypes. Over 350 pages and notable real-life examples like Google Ventures and Apple are available in this single free bundle. Download it now.

Ready to practice prototyping? UXPin is a prototyping tool that makes design and development teams collaboration easy. What you can design, you can put in code. Try UXPin for free.

10 UX UI Design Trends that Dominate 2024

UI design trends

AI in design, animated icons, cross platform UX are some of the most exciting 2024 UX and UI design trends. Our research has also noticed an interesting UX UI trend toward larger screens, with Instagram improving its desktop experience to accommodate the growing demand.

Create high-quality, fully functioning prototypes to test your UI design ideas with UXPin. Sign up for a free trial to explore UXPin’s advanced features today!

Build advanced prototypes

Design better products with States, Variables, Auto Layout and more.

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Trend #1: AI-integrated Design

From brainstorming design solutions, constructing research plan to complex UX design decisions, artificial intelligence is becoming integrated into the design process. ChatGPT took most industries by the storm and design is no different.

In 2023, designers shared prompts left and right and design tools like Framer and other integrated AI processes to help users come up with initial UI to iterate on. We believe that AI-integrated design will be a thing that will help put most repetitive tasks on autopilot. Let’s put our energy into solving complex problems, right?

UXPin is another tool that added AI to its arsenal. Our Merge technology for code-first design has an AI Component Creator built into it. The creator generates a fully-coded Tailwind UI component based on the prompt you write. Check out this to see how it works: ChatGPT in UI design.

Trend #2: Cross-Platform UX

While cross-platform UX isn’t new to most of you, it will be taken to another level in 2024. Last year we reported that apps like Instagram have upgraded their desktop versions to take advantage of large-screen monitors. YouTube, on the other hand, embraced TikTok-like stories format, making it better suited for hand-held devices.

An approaching trend is personalization within cross-platform experience. Apps want to stay relevant and give the users content that they may enjoy to make them stay longer.

Trend #3: Location-Based UX

The buzz around location-based experiences is growing. The apps that offer it will be the epitome of user-centric design next year, as users are starting to value experiences that are both personalized and effortlessly convenient. Picture this: having public transport recommendations more suitable to your lifestyle.

AI takes center stage in shaping the future of location-based experiences. It helps predict user movements and behaviors. Product teams may use AI to anticipate user preferences, intuitively suggesting relevant places, events, or services—often before users actively seek them out.

Trend #4: Animated Icons

Animated icons have officially made their grand entrance into iOS17, injecting life into your Apple apps. Whether you prefer solid icons or lean towards the elegance of outline icons, now is the time to infuse movement into your visual elements.

Get ready to breathe new life into your interface with animated icons that resonate seamlessly with the dynamic spirit of iOS17.

Trend #5: 3D Visual Elements

Are you trying to visualize complex data, building a UX of a VR app or trying to enhance brand recognition? Include 3D elements in your work! Such interfaces are going to be big in 2024.

3D elements help designers draw the user’s eye and add depth and realism that draws users in. We can’t say what originated the trend but some of the designs look like something that was created using Midjourney – another AI tool.

Trend #6: Emotionally Intelligent Design

Emotionally Intelligent Design means creating products, services, or experiences that take into account users’ emotions. It acknowledges and addresses the emotional aspects of human interaction with technology. Examples of emotionally intelligent design might include features like empathetic error messages or interfaces that adapt to users’ moods.

Key aspects of emotionally intelligent design include:

  1. Empathy: Understanding and empathizing with users’ needs, desires, and emotions. This involves considering the user’s perspective, emotions, and potential pain points throughout the design process.
  2. Anticipation: Predicting and responding to users’ emotions and needs before they explicitly express them. This can involve using data, user research, and intuitive design to anticipate user reactions and proactively address potential issues.
  3. Feedback and Communication: Providing clear and supportive feedback to users, acknowledging their actions, and communicating effectively. This includes using language, visuals, and interactions that resonate emotionally with the user.
  4. Adaptability: Designing interfaces that can adapt to users’ emotional states or changing needs. This might involve customization options, personalization features, or dynamic content that responds to user behavior.
  5. Inclusivity: Recognizing and accommodating a diverse range of users with different emotional responses, cultural backgrounds, and preferences. Inclusive design ensures that products and experiences are emotionally resonant for a broad audience.
  6. Ethical Considerations: Ensuring that design decisions consider the ethical implications of the product or service, including potential emotional impact. This involves avoiding manipulative practices and prioritizing the well-being of users.

Trend #7: Focus on Typography

The latest trend in typography for 2024 can be summarized in three words: big, bold, and capitalized. It’s fantastic strategy for UI designers looking to grab users’ attention. Even the global web trends website, Awwwards, uses capitalized bold typography for its homepage H1 and header callout.

awwwards bold example

UI designers also mix typefaces and styles to emphasize words or draw users’ attention. For example, this hero from Lacoste’s Draw it Yourself campaign uses bold capital styling combined with solid and outlined text for its H1.

lacoste bold text example

Tennis star Venus Williams also uses big, bold, capitalized typography throughout her website design. The font helps reinforce Venus’ status as a strong, dominant world number one.

venus bold typography example

If you want to stand out and position your brand as a dominant market leader, big, bold, capital typography can help achieve that in 2024! For a softer, calmer approach, you can use thin, condensed, and capitalized lettering–like this example from the Aussi-based creative initiative Hip Opera.

thin typography example

Take your UI design to the next level with UXPin–the world’s most advanced design and prototyping tool

Improve user testing and get meaningful stakeholder feedback with fully interactive prototypes that look and feel like the final product. Sign up for a free trial to explore UXPin’s advanced prototyping features.

Angular vs React vs Vue – Which Framework You Should Use

Angular vs React vs Vue

As a developer, you definitely heard about Angular, React, and Vue and the constant discussions and comparisons around which one is better. Of course, all three of them are used for building web, mobile apps, and fast development of UI through the use of components. 

However, that doesn’t mean they are the same as Angular offers a wide range of pre-built features available to the user, React is really minimalistic in terms of features whereas Vue stands somewhere in the middle.

So, in that regard, if you are a UI developer who wants to learn one of these technologies, but can’t decide which framework to learn, a detailed comparison might help.

Building a new app? Don’t forget to build a prototype to test your product with real user and check if they can use it. One of the easiest to use tools for designing a prototype is UXPin. Its Merge technology makes it easy to bring React components to design tool and build a high-fidelity prototype in less than a day. Discover UXPin Merge.

Reach a new level of prototyping

Design with interactive components coming from your team’s design system.

Market Popularity and Demand 

Each one of the mentioned technologies have their own purpose in regards to how to approach and handle a specific project. 

For example, Angular is an extensive front-end framework that lets you develop dynamic single-page web apps, suited for large-scale enterprise projects. However, Vue and React are also capable and flexible enough to be used in both enterprise or start-up level projects when developing UI through the use of components.

Talking simply from a pure job-market aspect, React and Angular are probably the more popular and in-demand when compared to Vue. Vue is the newer one among the three, but slowly taking over, with major companies moving to Vue.

Community and Ecosystem

When choosing a framework you want to learn, an active community and development are part of a growing and stable ecosystem. All of the mentioned frameworks are under active development and maintenance while being used by thousands of developers. That means there are people willing to help you out and share their knowledge with you.

Angular Ecosystem

Angular is the oldest of the three frameworks, and it has been around since 2010. Being developed and maintained by Google, Angular offers a lot of ready-made components for any new and aspiring UI developers who are looking to start building mobile and web apps.

It features a lot of pre-built components from Google’s Material Design visual design language to CSS themes.

React Ecosystem

Developed by Facebook back in 2013, React is the second oldest framework on our comparison list. Since then it has grown massively in popularity and amassed a big community.

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When compared to Angular and Vue, React may be the winner in terms of overall ecosystem maturity and component availability as well as community. Also, it offers integrations with other platforms and tools like Git or UXPin.

Vue Ecosystem

Developed in 2014 Vue is the youngest when compared to the other two frameworks, but has grown a lot in popularity.

When it comes to data binding, Vue made a lot of things easy for developers. Speeding up mobile and web app development with Vue means using the most popular open-source projects within the ecosystem so you can take advantage of input components.

Ease of Use

Let’s take a look at the complexity of Angular, React, and Vue, their syntax and which one is the easiest to learn.


When it comes to syntax and structuring your code, it’s probably a matter of personal preference. Some developers like to use TypeScript while others stick to JavaScript and there’s really no argument here because syntax doesn’t impact anything in terms of performance.

However, in terms of complexity as to which framework is easiest to learn and which one has the steepest learning curve, we pit Vue against Angular since React is the least demanding.

And if you really don’t like the way a certain library handles the code in terms of syntax, you should probably not work with that framework on a daily basis.

So in terms of syntax and structure complexity, Angular will be the most demanding because projects in Angular use TypeScript, the JavaScript superset and it’s something you’ll have to learn additionally.

As a component-based framework, Vue utilizes single file components and plain JavaScript so you’ll probably find code written in JS only although it offers TypeScript support too. 

Compared to Angular, Vue syntax is the easiest to learn and to grasp for any newcomer dev and UI developer since it doesn’t mix HTML and JavaScript.

As mentioned, React is the easiest one to learn both in terms of web and UI development.


When talking about components, the main premise behind their use is speeding up the development process by reusing code since that’s the most important aspect in open-source, component-based libraries like Angular, React, and Vue.


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You can think of components as the building blocks in React. They help you reuse pieces of code, modify behavior or render parts of the webpage in a different way without too much hassle through the use of input properties.

Furthermore, they go well with objects called props which store valuable object attribute data and they also have the ability to pass that data from one component to another.

With that being said React components are really powerful in terms of composition, and reusing code between components.


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Angular is also a component-based framework where the components or directives (Angular components are called directives) utilize templates to define basic parameters.

So, the directives or components in Angular usually contain the basic behavior parameters like metadata within a template. It is advised to use TypeScript with Angular for the best experience when working on projects.


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Being a highly customizable component-based progressive framework, you can create amazing, modern-looking, intuitive UI systems with flawless component behavior. It’s based around View components.

Which One is the Best – Vue, React or Angular?

When comparing the three most popular JavaScript frameworks, there is no absolute best when it comes to UI development since all three are under a very active development.

However, based on many aspects that we’ve covered, like community and ecosystem, syntax, ease of use, or components, you should make your choice based on both the projects you want to work on and the team you’re going to be a part of.

What are the differences between React and Angular?

Summing up, here are the differences between React and Angular:

  1. Architecture: React is a JavaScript library for building UI components, while Angular is a comprehensive framework offering features like two-way data binding and dependency injection.
  2. Language: React primarily uses JavaScript (or JSX), while Angular uses TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript.
  3. Syntax: React uses JSX for defining components, while Angular uses HTML templates with Angular-specific syntax.
  4. Data Binding: React primarily uses one-way data flow, while Angular supports both one-way and two-way data binding.
  5. Size and Performance: React’s core library is smaller, allowing for more control over bundle size, while Angular’s framework includes more features out-of-the-box, potentially resulting in a larger bundle size.
  6. Learning Curve: React has a smaller API surface, making it easier for developers to learn, while Angular has a steeper learning curve due to its comprehensive nature and additional concepts.
  7. Community and Ecosystem: Both React and Angular have vibrant communities and extensive ecosystems of libraries and tools to support web development.

What are the differences between React and Vue?

Here’s a quick comparison of React and Vue.js:

  1. Architecture: React is a JavaScript library focusing on UI component development, while Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces, offering a more structured approach out-of-the-box.
  2. Language: React primarily uses JavaScript (or JSX), while Vue.js supports both JavaScript and JSX, but its official documentation often uses plain JavaScript to demonstrate concepts.
  3. Syntax: React uses JSX for defining components, while Vue.js uses a template syntax that closely resembles HTML, making it more approachable for developers familiar with HTML.
  4. Data Binding: React primarily uses one-way data flow, while Vue.js supports both one-way and two-way data binding, providing flexibility in managing component data.
  5. Size and Performance: React’s core library is relatively small, allowing for efficient bundling, while Vue.js has a slightly larger core size but offers great performance optimization and flexibility in bundle size.
  6. Learning Curve: React has a smaller API surface, making it easier for developers to grasp, while Vue.js is known for its gentle learning curve, making it suitable for beginners and experienced developers alike.
  7. Community and Ecosystem: Both React and Vue.js have active communities and extensive ecosystems, but React’s ecosystem tends to be larger and more mature, while Vue.js’ ecosystem is growing rapidly with a focus on simplicity and flexibility.

Push components to design editor

No matter which of these 3 you will choose, you can benefit from UXPin’s Merge technology and bring your React components to the design editor to avoid designing and building prototypes from scratch. Opting for Vue or Angular? Try UXPin Merge’s Storybook integration. Learn more about it. Discover UXPin Merge.

8 Best Design System Examples in 2024

Top 8 DS

Design system is a set of components, rules, style guides, and documentation used to build a coherent and on-brand interface of a product. Most brands create their own design system and we prepared a list of eight most popular design systems that you can learn a lot from. Those and other design systems can be found in our design system repository called Adele.

Boost design system adoption and governance with UXPin Merge. Bring all interactive components from your design system to the editor, build fully interactive prototypes, and keep your designs consistent. Read more about UXPin Merge.

Reach a new level of prototyping

Design with interactive components coming from your team’s design system.

What is a Design System?

A design system is a collection of all design resources that a product team may use to build user interface of their app, website, eCommerce store or any other UI design they need to develop.

Design systems aren’t only for designers. They are also for developers, as they contain all code snippets and development resources with necessary front-end code together with documentation as well as design guidelines, relevant plugins, design patterns, style guides, reusable components, rules plus guidelines, and all other building blocks useful for web design and development workflow.

design system 2

These design systems are then hosted as websites online and can be publicly available (they are open-source design systems) or internal, whatever the brand decides.

We can think of a design system as a vast data library that acts as a valuable document with applicable instructions and examples, product design and coding guidelines, and a part of the UI kit all at the same time.

As you can see, there are many product design concepts related to design systems. If you want to learn to differentiate design systems from pattern libraries, component libraries, and UI kits, read our previous article on the topic: The difference between design system, pattern libraries, style guides, and component libraries.

Why Are Companies Building Unique Design Systems?

Companies like Shopify, Google, AirBnB, and other are building their own unique design systems because they want:

  • Consistency – design systems act as a single source of truth for design and development.
  • Transparency – developers can use the design system components directly, without needing to interpret design decisions.
  • Scale – designers are able to build prototypes faster and streamline developer handoff.
  • Reusability – design systems facilitate the creation of prototypes with consistent components that can be shared within the organization.
  • Clarity – design systems help ensure that design decisions are based on shared knowledge, making it easier for team members to understand and contribute effectively.

What is There to Learn from Design Systems?

The majority of design systems follow rather general setup patterns.

The system often features its top navigation with the main categories: Design, Code, Language, Components, etc.

Each of these main categories has its subcategories that discuss things in more detail, making the most out of the atomic design structure. For instance, these subcategories could be something like Typography, Color, Forms, Banners, etc.

Following this intuitive navigation can get you valuable information about best practices in terms of design.

The Benefits of Creating a Design System

With a well-built design system in place, businesses can considerably improve their teamwork and streamline decision-making process, but that’s not all that you can get from creating a design system.

Such collection of guidelines, elements, and data minimizes communication issues between designers and developers and minimizes the room for potential UX design bugs or acquiring UX debt.

What’s more, having such a reference-rich library significantly reduces the necessary time to go from a prototype to an actual product.

For example, PayPal uses Fluent UI together with Merge technology. This allows them to incorporate the interactive components to the UXPin library. That way, both designers and product team members alike can easily access these components and design with them over and over again.

Design systems are a great way to minimize the disconnect between designers and developers but are still not the ideal solution on their own. Thanks to the Merge technology revolution, product team members can easily use the same tools and improve their DesignOps workflow processes. This means that both developers and designers can access and use the same UI elements from one single source. 

Design System Challenges and Solution

Even when companies try to create their design system, specific issues and consistency disconnects can still happen, especially when maintaining all the elements, documentation and code. 

Learn more about design system challenges and solutions from one of the top design leaders – Johnson & Johnson. During our webinar, the J&J team shared all their best practices. 

Google Material Design System

Google Material Design System example from website

One of the most popular design system is Google’s Material Design. Google created and publicly shared their Material Design System that goes into the tiniest details regarding everything there is to know about the design and design principles. Every UXPin user can easily use the Material Design components as they are one of the UXPin libraries. 

Thanks to this system, users can get valuable information that perfectly unifies UI and UX across different devices, platforms and input methods.

Material Design allows other brands and individuals to have a strong foundation for building upon when it comes to their own approach to atomic design, industry innovation and unique brand expression.

The main features of the Google Material Design System include:

  • Starter Kits
  • Design Source Files
  • Material Theming
  • Layout
  • Typography
  • Color
  • Components
  • Mobile Guidelines

Google’s Material Design System looks very mature. It has a lot of design guidelines, but it also contains documentation about UI components that are used in development. Did you know that such components can be used in design? Bring your developers’ components to design with UXPin’s Merge technology. Request access to UXPin Merge.

Apple Human Interface Guidelines

Apple design system is called Human Interface guidelines and it is one of the best design systems

Apple has one of the top design system. It is called Apple Human Interface Guidelines and it presents a vast and rather valuable design system resource for the web design essentials and pattern libraries but downloadable templates. The iOS UI kit library is also available with a UXPin account. 

The system follows Steve Job’s design principles:

  • Craft with great precision and attention to detail
  • Emphasize user experience and connection with the users
  • Focus on what’s truly important on a larger scale
  • Generate wanted user reactions thanks to the specific design language and practices
  • Utilize the friendly aspect of high tech for both novice and advanced users
  • Simplify everything

Features of Apple Design System

Apple Human Interface Guidelines consist of practical resources, visual guidelines and style guides for both designers and developers for iOS, macOS, vOS and watchOS.

Its includes design system documentation about using:

  • Menus
  • Buttons
  • Icons and Images
  • Fields and Labels
  • Window and View
  • Touch Bar
  • Indicators
  • Selectors
  • Extensions
  • Visual Design
  • Visual Index
  • App Architecture
  • System Capabilities
  • User Interaction
  • Themes

Atlassian Design System

Atlassian design system is one of the best

Atlassian Design System is one of the best out there. Atlassian Design System focuses on providing valuable assistance to teams from all over the world by making their collaboration seamless and easy. Atlassian Design Guidelines are also a part of UXPin’s library collection. 

Atlassian design philosophy is all about utilizing the digital experience to improve the productivity and overall potential of teams and individual team members, perfectly reflected in their globally used collaboration tools Trello and Jira.

That said, Atlassian Design System features agile practices and efficient tracking of every single step within a project that ultimately yields valuable results in terms of product delivery and development.

Features of Atlassian’s design system

Atlassian’s design system includes

Uber Design System

Uber design system is the best design system for automotive

According to Uber, movement ignites opportunity and that’s how they structured their design system.

After all, Uber service bases on movement with ride-hailing, peer-to-peer ridesharing, food delivery and micro-mobility involving scooters and electric bikes.

For this type of service to work impeccably, from sub-brands to internal ones and products to programs, Uber requires an effective design system that the company shares with the rest of the world.

Features of Uber Design System

Main features of Uber Design System:

  • Brand Architecture
  • Composition
  • Tone of Voice
  • Motion
  • Illustration
  • Photography
  • Iconography
  • Color
  • Logo
  • Typography

Shopify Design System Polaris

Shopify is the best design system because it contains guides and components that create a wonderful user experience

Shopify is a global eCommerce platform that provides everything a brand may need to run and grow its business in one place.

It’s no wonder that their design principles focus on creating a better and more accessible commerce experience.

Shopify’s public design system called Polaris encompasses the company’s core values:

  • Be caring and considerate to the users
  • Provide people with the right tools to accomplish whatever they set out to do
  • Enjoy the top level of craftsmanship that matches the brand image
  • Minimize the hustle by providing accurate and quick solutions
  • Always build upon users’ trust
  • Make the users feel comfortable with using the products

Polaris Design System provides an easy-to-follow and practical style guide for designing for the Shopify platform. It offers a vast knowledge base on utilizing UI components, visual elements, content, and design language for creating a better user experience and product in general.

Features of Shopify’s Design System

Shopify Design System Polaris includes main features that follow the practices mentioned above to a tee:

  • Data Visualization
  • Accessibility
  • Interaction States
  • Colors
  • Typography
  • Icons
  • Illustrations
  • Spacing
  • Sounds
  • Resources

IBM Carbon Design System

IBM named their design system Carbon and here is its website screenshot

IBM operates on a global scale by meeting large enterprise IT needs.

Their services range from business consulting and financing, software development and IT hosting/management to software-to-hardware products.

IBM’s core belief revolves around making constant progress, be that human condition, society or a brand, by utilizing science, reason and intelligence.

According to IBM, a good design is not only a mere requirement but an actual responsibility to the users.

Features of IBM’s Design System

This is where their Carbon Design System shines with its main features, offering plenty of tools and visual resources for Adobe, Axure and Sketch designers as well as developers:

  • Data Visualization
  • Patterns
  • Components
  • Guidelines
  • Tutorials

UXPin users can conveniently find everything they need from Carbon in their account as well. 

Mailchimp Design System

Mailchimp design system can teach us a lot about building long-lasting design systems

Mailchimp has come a long way from being a renowned email marketing leader to providing an all-in-one marketing platform that goes beyond email only.

Mailchimp has one clear goal: to help small businesses grow while remaining true to their brand identity and image.

Features of Mailchimpr’s Design System

That is also one of the many reasons behind creating the Mailchimp Design System and its main features that focus on creative expression, better user experience and top quality:

  • Data Visualization
  • Grid System
  • Color
  • Typography
  • Components

Salesforce Lightning Design System

Salesforce has a great design systems

Salesforce goes above and beyond to deliver a personalized experience to its users through the integrated cloud-based CRM software.

The purpose of the Salesforce CRM is to improve marketing, commerce, IT, service and sales efforts – and allows their users to do the same with their users.

Their design philosophy is reflected in the Hawaiian word for intentional family, Ohana, with four core values that drive their company actions and overall culture:

  • Innovation
  • Equality
  • Trust
  • Customer Success

Features of Salesforce Design System

Salesforce has put out their own Lightning Design System that allows everyone working with content management systems to learn and benefit from its main features:

  • Design Guidelines
  • Platforms
  • Accessibility
  • Components (and a lot of them)

Lightning components are a part of the UXPin account libraries as well. 

Make the Most of Design System: the UXPin Merge Way

Merge tech is created as an adequate solution to common challenges that often happen when there’s a communication gap between design and development teams. So, various UI components, coding and documentation inconsistencies can arise, affecting the product’s efficiency and maintenance.

With the design system that organizes all of the necessary components as a first step in the right direction, Merge will then take all those UI elements right to the design editor.

You’ll save time and money by avoiding inconsistencies, not to mention the joy of seeing an end product that’s exactly the same as what you originally envisioned!

Merge tech focuses on design with code components, that is converting a code component into the design. In that respect, designers don’t simply create prototypes based solely on the visual aspect of the final product (while only faking the necessary interactions); instead, designers use already coded components to design the prototype image.

There’s no need to go back and forth between the design and dev team since the design team can take the already existing coded components, synchronize them with UXPin’s editor, and drag and drop the components they need to create new designs.

Essentially, designers don’t have to create fake interactions, add them or search for the right colors.

On the other end, developers get the prototype preview and continue to work with the available production-ready elements.

Which Design System Example is Your Favorite?

Design systems consist of tons of UI components and guidelines that are meant to optimize and improve the design efforts and promote consistency among the teams.

However, if the design system is poorly maintained and implemented, the said system can turn into nothing more than many clunky and confusing code snippets, libraries and components.

A design system can quickly help team members to promote consistency while also allowing designers to deal with more complex UX issues. And when you add revolutionary Merge tech to the mix, you can truly take your design system organization to the next level. Learn more about UXPin Merge.

What is a Front-End Engineer?

frontend engineer

Front-end engineers play a crucial role in shaping the visual and interactive aspects of software applications, contributing to the overall success of the product. They are the ones who develop the user interface and user experience of websites and web applications, ensuring they are visually appealing, interactive, and optimized for performance across various devices and browsers.

As a front-end engineer, you don’t need to use pixels to build a stunning user interface. Use code-based tools instead! UXPin Merge allows you to assemble a web design or app design with UI components that are fully functional and ready for production. Try UXPin Merge for free.

Create beautiful layouts without designers

Design production-ready prototypes 8.6x faster. No pixels. pure code.

What is a front-end engineer?

A front-end engineer is a professional who specializes in developing the UI and UX design of websites, mobile and web applications. Their primary focus is on creating visually appealing, interactive, and responsive interfaces that end users interact with.

Front-end engineers are responsible for translating design prototypes into functional user interfaces. They ensure that user interfaces are optimized for performance, accessibility, and compatibility across different browsers and devices.

That’s why they often collaborate closely with designers, back-end developers, and stakeholders to understand project requirements and integrate front-end components with back-end systems. They may also be involved in tasks such as prototyping, testing, and maintaining code quality to ensure a seamless user experience.

Front-end engineer vs front-end developer

While both front-end engineers and front-end developers work on web development, a front-end engineer may be expected to have a deeper understanding of the technical aspects and may take on more responsibilities beyond just implementing user interfaces. However, the exact distinction between the two roles can vary depending on the specific requirements of the job and the organization.

A front-end developer typically focuses on implementing the user interface and the user experience of a website or web application. They primarily work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the visual and interactive elements that users interact with directly in their browsers. Front-end web developers are concerned with ensuring that the website or application looks good, functions correctly, and provides a smooth user experience across different devices and browsers.

A front-end engineer may have a broader skill set and a deeper understanding of the underlying technologies and principles involved in front-end development. They might also be involved in more complex tasks such as optimizing performance, architecting scalable solutions, integrating with back-end systems, and collaborating closely with designers, product managers, and other team members. Front-end engineers may also be responsible for setting up development workflows, maintaining code quality, and ensuring adherence to best practices and standards.

Front-end engineer vs software engineer

While a front-end engineer focuses specifically on developing the user interface and user experience of applications, a software engineer may work on various aspects of software development across different layers of the technology stack. The distinction between the two roles lies in their specific focus and responsibilities within the broader field of software engineering.

A software engineer is a broader term that encompasses professionals who design, develop, test, and maintain software systems. While some software engineers may specialize in front-end development, others work on back-end systems, databases, infrastructure, or even specialize in areas like machine learning, data science, or embedded systems. Software engineers typically have a strong foundation in computer science principles and may work with a variety of programming languages and technologies depending on the requirements of their projects.

What is a front-end engineer job description?

A front-end engineer job description typically includes responsibilities such as developing user interfaces, as well as implementing interactive features and functionality using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They are asked to ensure the technical feasibility of UI and UX designs and optimize them for maximum performance and responsiveness.

Front-end engineers may be required to conduct usability testing and gather feedback to continuously improve how user-friendly the end product is. And sometimes, they need to design user interfaces by themselves instead of collaborating with designers.

It’s a great career path for those of you who are proficient in front-end web development technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and experienced in front-end frameworks and UI libraries such as React, Angular, or Vue.js.

What is a front-end engineer skill set?

To create visually appealing, interactive, and user-friendly interfaces for websites and web applications, front-end engineers use a combination of soft and hard skills.

Soft skills

  1. Communication: Front-end engineers need strong communication skills to effectively collaborate with designers, back-end developers, and other team members. Clear communication ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding project requirements, timelines, and expectations.
  2. Problem-solving: Front-end engineers encounter various challenges while designing and developing user interfaces. They should have excellent problem-solving skills to troubleshoot issues, debug code, and find creative solutions to technical problems.
  3. Attention to Detail: User interfaces require pixel-perfect precision and attention to detail. Front-end engineers should have a keen eye for design and be meticulous in ensuring that UI elements are accurately implemented according to design specifications.
  4. Adaptability: The front-end landscape is constantly evolving, with new frameworks, libraries, and best practices emerging regularly. Front-end engineers should be adaptable and open to learning new technologies to stay up-to-date with industry trends.
  5. Time Management: Front-end development projects often have tight deadlines and shifting priorities. Effective time management skills are essential for front-end engineers to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and deliver high-quality work under pressure.

Hard skills

  1. HTML: Proficiency in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is fundamental for front-end engineers to structure the content of web pages and applications.
  2. CSS: Strong skills in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are necessary for styling and formatting HTML elements, creating layouts, and implementing visual designs.
  3. JavaScript: In-depth knowledge of JavaScript is essential for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages, handling user input, and manipulating the Document Object Model.
  4. Front-end Frameworks: Experience with popular front-end frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, or Vue.js is often required for building scalable and maintainable user interfaces.
  5. Responsive Design: Understanding of responsive design principles and techniques is crucial for creating interfaces that adapt and perform well on different devices and screen sizes.
  6. Cross-browser Compatibility: Knowledge of cross-browser compatibility issues and techniques for addressing them ensures that web applications function consistently across various web browsers.
  7. Version Control: Familiarity with version control systems like Git is important for collaborating with team members, tracking changes, and managing code repositories effectively.
  8. Testing and Debugging: Proficiency in testing frameworks and debugging tools is necessary for identifying and fixing bugs, ensuring code quality, and optimizing performance.
  9. User Experience Design: Basic understanding of UX design principles and usability best practices helps front-end engineers create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.
  10. Performance Optimization: Knowledge of performance optimization techniques, such as minimizing page load times and reducing render-blocking resources, is valuable for optimizing the performance of web applications.

Senior front-end engineer vs junior

Junior front-end engineers are still developing their skills and gaining experience by learning coding standards, user experience requirements, architectural design principles, and honing their project management skills.

Senior front-end engineers bring a wealth of expertise, leadership, and problem-solving abilities to the table, making significant contributions to their teams and projects.

Less experienced front-end engineers may lack technical depth, problem-solving skills, and opportunities to collaborate with back-end engineering colleagues.

Having said that, you may still find a lot of entry-level front-end engineering positions that don’t look for programmers with years of experience. Look for startup jobs on LinkedIn or Glassdoor.

Do front-end engineers code?

Yes, front-end engineers do code. In fact, coding is a fundamental aspect of their role. They use languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the structure, style, and interactivity of web pages.

They write HTML to define the content and structure of a webpage, CSS to style and format the elements on the page, and JavaScript to add interactivity and dynamic behavior.

In addition to coding with these core languages, front-end engineers often work with various frameworks, libraries, and tools to streamline development and enhance the functionality of web applications. They write code to implement features such as animations, form validation, client-side routing, and data manipulation, using frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

What are front-end engineer languages?

Front-end engineers primarily work with a combination of languages and technologies to develop products, such as web apps, mobile apps, and more.


HTML (short for Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to create the structure and content of web pages. It defines the elements and layout of a webpage, such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and forms.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a styling language used to control the presentation and appearance of HTML elements on a web page. It defines styles such as colors, fonts, layout, and positioning, allowing front-end engineers to create visually appealing and responsive designs.


JavaScript is a programming language used to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages. It enables front-end engineers to create interactive features such as animations, form validation, and content updates without needing to reload the entire page.

Build front-end design 8.6x faster

Front-end engineers are pivotal in crafting the visual and interactive essence of software applications, contributing significantly to their overall success. They spearhead the development of user interfaces, ensuring they are not only visually captivating but also seamlessly functional and optimized for performance across diverse devices and browsers.

Build stunning user interfaces without the pain of translating pixels into code. With UXPin Merge, creating UI for web or app becomes a streamlined process – you can copy the code off the design to use in your front-end development environment. Try UXPin Merge for free today.

Engineering KPIs — Key Performance Indicators for Your Engineering Team

Engineering KPIs

Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, in engineering are essential metrics used to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of development processes, projects, and teams. By paying close attention to those indicators, engineering teams can assess their performance, identify areas for improvement, and deliver robust, scalable, and secure products that meet user needs and business objectives.

Meet your KPIs connected to design and frontend engineering with UXPin Merge, a design technology that helps you build beautiful and functional layouts 8.6x faster and keep consistency between design and development. Try UXPin Merge for free.

Create beautiful layouts without designers

Design production-ready prototypes 8.6x faster. No pixels. pure code.

What are engineering KPIs?

Key Performance Indicators in engineering are specific metrics used to measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and performance of engineering processes, projects, teams, or organizations.

Software engineering KPIs provide valuable insights into various aspects of engineering operations and help in assessing progress towards goals, identifying bottlenecks, streamlining decision-making and making data-driven decisions. Those KPIs can vary depending on the specific business goals and software development objectives.

Why should you track performance metrics?

Tracking engineering metrics is crucial for assessing progress, identifying areas for improvement, making informed decisions, driving accountability, optimizing resource allocation, setting goals, demonstrating value, and promoting continuous improvement within organizations.

  1. Measuring Progress: Performance metrics provide quantitative data that allows you to measure progress towards specific goals and objectives. Without tracking metrics, it’s challenging to assess whether you’re moving in the right direction or if adjustments are necessary.
  2. Identifying Areas for Improvement: By regularly monitoring performance metrics, you can identify areas of inefficiency, bottlenecks, or underperformance within processes, projects, or teams. This insight enables you to take corrective actions and implement improvements to enhance overall performance.
  3. Making Informed Decisions: Performance metrics serve as a basis for making data-driven decisions. When you have accurate and up-to-date information about various aspects of your operations, you can make informed choices about resource allocation, process optimization, and strategic planning.
  4. Driving Accountability: Tracking performance metrics creates accountability within teams and organizations. When individuals know that their performance is being measured and evaluated against specific benchmarks, they are more likely to strive for excellence and take ownership of their responsibilities.
  5. Optimizing Resource Allocation: Performance metrics help you allocate resources—such as manpower, time, and budget—more effectively. By identifying areas of high performance and areas needing improvement, you can reallocate resources to where they are most needed, maximizing efficiency and productivity.
  6. Setting and Adjusting Goals: Performance metrics provide feedback that informs the setting of realistic and achievable goals. By analyzing historical data and current performance trends, you can establish targets that are challenging yet attainable. Additionally, tracking metrics allows you to adjust goals as circumstances change or new priorities emerge.
  7. Demonstrating Value and ROI: Performance metrics enable you to demonstrate the value and return on investment (ROI) of your initiatives, projects, or processes. Whether it’s showing cost savings, productivity gains, or improvements in quality, having measurable results strengthens your case when seeking support or funding for future endeavors.
  8. Promoting Continuous Improvement: Tracking performance metrics fosters a culture of continuous improvement within organizations (something DevOps processes are known for.) By regularly reviewing and analyzing data, teams can identify opportunities for innovation, experimentation, and optimization, driving ongoing enhancements in performance and competitiveness.

Who is responsible for setting engineering KPIs?

Setting engineering Key Performance Indicators typically involves collaboration between various stakeholders within an organization. While the exact responsibility for setting KPIs may vary depending on the organization’s structure and culture, some key roles that are often involved are engineering leaders, engineering managers, project management team or any other team members in leadership positions.

  • Engineering Manager or Director: Engineering managers or directors are often responsible for setting overarching engineering KPIs aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives. They have a comprehensive understanding of the engineering department’s goals, resources, and capabilities, making them well-positioned to establish KPIs that drive performance and support overall business objectives.
  • Project Managers: Project managers play a crucial role in setting project-specific KPIs tailored to individual engineering projects. They collaborate with stakeholders to define project goals, scope, and success criteria, and they translate these into measurable KPIs that track project progress and performance. Project managers ensure that KPIs are realistic, achievable, and aligned with project timelines and budgets.
  • Engineering Leaders: Engineering team leaders are responsible for setting KPIs at the team level. They work closely with their teams to identify key areas of focus, performance metrics, and targets that contribute to overall departmental and project goals. Team leaders ensure that KPIs are relevant to their team’s responsibilities, skillsets, and priorities.
  • Operations Managers: Operations managers play a key role in setting KPIs related to operational efficiency, resource utilization, and process optimization within engineering operations. They identify opportunities to streamline workflows, reduce costs, and improve productivity by establishing KPIs that track performance metrics such as cycle times, throughput, and resource efficiency.
  • Executive Leadership or Management Team: Executive leadership, including CEOs, COOs, and other senior managers, play a supervisory role in setting high-level strategic KPIs for the organization as a whole. They provide guidance, direction, and oversight to ensure that engineering KPIs align with broader business objectives and contribute to the company’s long-term success.

Where should you track engineering KPIs?

Tracking engineering Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) requires an effective system that allows for the monitoring, analysis, and visualization of relevant metrics.

Two common tools used for tracking KPIs in engineering are KPI dashboards and scoreboards.

KPI Dashboard

A KPI dashboard is a visual representation of key performance indicators. It provides real-time or near-real-time insights into various aspects of engineering performance, allowing stakeholders to monitor progress, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Benefits of KPI dashboards

  • Centralized Monitoring: KPI dashboards centralize performance data in one accessible location, enabling stakeholders to monitor engineering KPIs efficiently.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Dashboards facilitate data-driven decision-making by providing real-time insights and actionable information.
  • Transparency and Accountability: By making KPI data visible to relevant stakeholders, dashboards promote transparency and accountability within engineering teams and organizations.
  • Performance Tracking: Dashboards allow for continuous tracking and analysis of engineering performance metrics, enabling timely interventions and improvements.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Dashboards serve as a communication tool, facilitating collaboration and alignment across different departments and teams.


Scoreboards are physical or digital displays that present a limited set of key metrics in a prominent and easily accessible format. They are often used to track performance in real time.

Benefits of scorecard

  • Immediate Feedback: Scorecards provide immediate feedback on performance, enabling rapid response to deviations from targets or standards.
  • Motivation and Engagement: Visible scorecards create a sense of urgency and motivation among employees to meet or exceed performance targets.
  • Operational Awareness: Scorecards enhance operational awareness by keeping employees informed about current performance levels and priorities.
  • Alignment with Goals: Scorecards align frontline employees with organizational goals and objectives by emphasizing key metrics that drive success.
  • Continuous Improvement: Scorecards support a culture of continuous improvement by fostering transparency, accountability, and focus on performance outcomes.

Both KPI dashboards and scorecards play important roles in tracking engineering KPIs, providing valuable insights and facilitating decision-making at different levels of the organization. The choice between the two depends on factors such as the nature of the data, the preferences of stakeholders, and the specific requirements of the monitoring environment.

Examples of engineering KPIs

These KPIs provide insights into the performance and effectiveness of software engineering team and processes, guiding product development teams in optimizing features, functionalities, and overall user experience.

Time to Market

Time from ideation to product launch: Measures the duration taken to develop and launch a new feature.

Product Performance and Reliability

  • Uptime and Availability: Measures the percentage of time the digital product is operational and accessible to users.
  • Load Time: Tracks the time it takes for the product or its components to load, ensuring optimal user experience.
  • Error Rate: Monitors the frequency of errors encountered by users during interactions with the product.
  • Error Resolution Time: Measures the time taken to identify and resolve errors reported by monitoring tools or users.Scalability and Reliability
  • System Downtime: Tracks the amount of time back-end systems are unavailable or non-operational, aiming for high availability and reliability.
  • Load Testing Results: Evaluates the performance and scalability of back-end systems under simulated load conditions.
  • Capacity Planning: Anticipates future resource allocation and capacity needs based on usage patterns and growth projections.

Product Development Efficiency

  • Agile Metrics (e.g., sprint burndown): Tracks the progress and efficiency of development teams using Agile methodologies.
  • Change Failure Rate: Assesses the success of changes implemented within a system, process, or product. It measures the percentage of changes that result in an unsuccessful outcome, such as causing incidents, defects, or disruptions to operations.
  • Time to Resolve Bugs or Issues: Measures the time taken to identify and resolvea number of bugs or issues reported by users or detected through testing.
  • Feature Implementation Time: Measures the time taken to implement new front-end features or user interface enhancements.
  • Sprint Velocity: Tracks the amount of work completed by the front-end development team within each sprint or iteration.
  • Release Burndown: A chart tool used to track the progress of completing tasks or user stories within a release or sprint. It helps visualize how much work is remaining to be done over time and whether the team is on track to meet the release or sprint goals.
  • Bug Fixing Time: Measures the time taken to identify and resolve front-end bugs reported by QA or users.
  • Deployment Frequency: Tracks the frequency of front-end deployments to production or staging environments, indicating development and release cadence.

Customer Satisfaction

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measures user satisfaction and likelihood to recommend the product to others through surveys.
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score: Tracks user satisfaction levels based on feedback collected through customer support interactions or post-interaction surveys.

Design Consistency Score

  • Assesses the degree of consistency in design elements, styles, and patterns maintained across different products or features.
  • Can be evaluated through automated tools or manual reviews to identify deviations from established design system standards.

Components Reuse Rate

  • Tracks the percentage of design system components reused in multiple projects or features.
  • Indicates the efficiency of the design system in promoting component reuse and reducing redundant design efforts.

Code Quality

  • Code Review Feedback Time: Measures the time taken to provide feedback on pull requests or code reviews.
  • Code Coverage: Tracks the percentage of code covered by automated tests, ensuring comprehensive testing of front-end functionality.
  • Code Maintainability: Assess the maintainability of front-end codebase using metrics such as cyclomatic complexity or Maintainability Index.
  • Static Code Analysis Violations: Monitors the number of violations identified by static code analysis tools, indicating potential code quality issues.
  • Technical Debt: Monitors the accumulation of technical debt in the back-end codebase, which may impact maintainability and scalability.

Performance Optimization

  • Page Load Time: Measures the time taken for web pages to load in users’ browsers, optimizing for faster loading times.
  • Time to Interactive (TTI): Tracks the time it takes for web pages to become interactive and responsive to user input.
  • Performance Budget Adherence: Ensures compliance with predefined performance budgets for front-end assets such as JavaScript file size, image compression, and network requests.
  • Service response Time: Measures the time taken for back-end services to respond to requests, optimizing for faster response times.
  • Throughput: Tracks the number of requests processed by back-end services per unit of time, ensuring scalability and performance.

Accessibility Compliance

Stakeholder Satisfaction

  • Stakeholder Feedback: Collects feedback from product owners, designers, and other stakeholders regarding the quality, usability, and performance of front-end deliverables.
  • Alignment with Requirements: Ensures that back-end implementations align closely with functional and non-functional requirements specified by stakeholders.

Security and Compliance

  • Vulnerability Patching Time: Measures the time taken to patch security vulnerabilities in back-end systems and libraries.
  • Compliance Adherence: Ensures compliance with industry standards and regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) regarding data privacy and security.
  • Security Audit Results: Evaluates the results of security audits and penetration testing conducted on back-end systems.


What are KPIs for engineering leads?

Engineering leads play a critical role in overseeing engineering teams, managing projects, and driving technical innovation within organizations. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for engineering leads are typically focused on measuring their effectiveness in leading teams, delivering projects, and achieving technical objectives. Here are some common KPIs for engineering leads:

  1. Team Performance:
    • Team Productivity: Measure the output or throughput of the engineering team, such as the number of features developed, lines of code written, or tasks completed within a given time frame.
    • Team Efficiency: Assess the efficiency of the engineering team’s processes and workflows, including metrics like cycle time, lead time, and throughput efficiency.
    • Team Satisfaction: Gauge the satisfaction and engagement levels of team members through surveys, feedback sessions, or retention rates.
  2. Project Delivery:
    • Project Timelines: Track the adherence to project timelines and milestones, including on-time delivery of features, releases, or project phases.
    • Project Budget Management: Monitor project budget utilization and cost control measures to ensure projects are delivered within budget constraints.
    • Quality of Deliverables: Measure the quality of engineering deliverables, such as the number of defects or bugs reported post-release, customer-reported issues, or adherence to quality standards.
  3. Technical Leadership:
    • Innovation and Technical Contributions: Evaluate the engineering lead’s contributions to technical innovation, such as the introduction of new technologies, development methodologies, or process improvements.
    • Technical Mentorship and Development: Assess the effectiveness of the engineering lead in providing mentorship and guidance to team members, fostering their technical growth and skill development.
    • Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration: Measure the extent to which the engineering lead promotes knowledge sharing, collaboration, and cross-functional communication within the engineering team and with other departments.
  4. Stakeholder Satisfaction:
    • Customer Satisfaction: Evaluate customer satisfaction with engineering deliverables, products, or services through surveys, feedback channels, or Net Promoter Score (NPS).
    • Internal Stakeholder Satisfaction: Assess the satisfaction levels of internal stakeholders, such as product managers, marketing teams, or executive leadership, with the engineering lead’s performance and contributions.
  5. Risk Management:
    • Risk Mitigation: Track the identification, assessment, and mitigation of risks associated with engineering projects, including technical risks, resource constraints, and dependencies.
    • Issue Resolution: Measure the effectiveness and timeliness of issue resolution by the engineering lead, including the handling of escalations, critical incidents, or project roadblocks.
  6. Leadership Effectiveness:
    • Employee Engagement: Monitor employee engagement levels, job satisfaction, and retention rates within the engineering team.
    • Leadership Development: Assess the engineering lead’s investment in leadership development initiatives, such as training programs, coaching, or succession planning.
  7. Operational Excellence:
    • Process Improvement: Measure the implementation of process improvements and best practices within the engineering organization, leading to increased efficiency, quality, and innovation.
    • Resource Utilization: Evaluate the optimal utilization of engineering resources, including manpower, tools, and infrastructure, to maximize productivity and minimize waste.
  8. Business Impact:
    • Alignment with Business Goals: Assess the extent to which engineering initiatives and projects align with broader business objectives and contribute to the organization’s strategic priorities.
    • Return on Investment (ROI): Measure the ROI of engineering projects and initiatives in terms of revenue generation, profitability, cost savings, market share growth, or competitive advantage.
    • Cost Savings from Engineering Initiatives: Cost savings resulting from engineering initiatives, such as process improvements, efficiency gains, or resource optimization, contribute to overall profitability.

These KPIs provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating the performance of engineering leads and ensuring alignment with organizational goals, technical excellence, and effective leadership practices.

What is KPI for engineering director?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for an Engineering Director are focused on assessing their effectiveness in leading the engineering department, driving strategic initiatives, and achieving organizational objectives.

Team Performance and Productivity

  • Overall Team Productivity: Measure the overall output and efficiency of the engineering department in terms of projects completed, features developed, or products delivered within a specified timeframe.
  • Resource Utilization: Assess the optimal utilization of engineering resources, including manpower, equipment, and budget allocations, to maximize productivity and efficiency.
  • Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Monitor employee satisfaction levels, engagement, and retention rates within the engineering department as indicators of leadership effectiveness and team morale.

Project Delivery and Execution

  • Project Timelines and Milestones: Track the on-time delivery of engineering projects, adherence to project timelines, and achievement of project milestones.
  • Budget Management: Evaluate the management of project budgets, including cost control measures, budget utilization, and adherence to financial targets.
  • Quality of Deliverables: Measure the quality of engineering deliverables, products, or services through metrics such as defect rates, customer satisfaction scores, or adherence to quality standards.

Strategic Leadership and Innovation:

  • Technical Innovation and Thought Leadership: Assess the Engineering Director’s contributions to technical innovation, adoption of new technologies, and thought leadership within the industry.
  • Strategic Planning and Execution: Evaluate the development and execution of strategic plans, initiatives, and roadmaps to drive the long-term growth and competitiveness of the engineering department and the organization as a whole.
  • R&D Investment and Impact: Measure the investment in research and development (R&D) activities and the impact of R&D initiatives on product innovation, differentiation, and market leadership.

Stakeholder Engagement and Satisfaction

  • Customer Satisfaction: Evaluate customer satisfaction with engineering deliverables, products, or services through surveys, feedback channels, or Net Promoter Score (NPS).
  • Internal Stakeholder Satisfaction: Assess the satisfaction levels of internal stakeholders, such as executive leadership, product management, sales, and marketing teams, with the engineering department’s performance and contributions.

Operational Excellence

  • Process Optimization and Efficiency: Measure the implementation of process improvements, best practices, and operational efficiencies within the engineering department to increase productivity, reduce costs, and streamline workflows.
  • Risk Management and Mitigation: Track the identification, assessment, and mitigation of risks associated with engineering projects, operations, and strategic initiatives.

Talent Development and Leadership Effectiveness

  • Leadership Development and Succession Planning: Assess the effectiveness of leadership development programs, mentorship initiatives, and succession planning efforts within the engineering department.
  • Employee Growth and Development: Monitor the professional growth, skill development, and career progression of engineering team members under the Director’s leadership.

Business Impact

  • Alignment with Business Goals: Evaluate the alignment of engineering initiatives, projects, and strategies with broader business objectives and key performance metrics.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Measure the ROI of engineering investments, projects, and initiatives in terms of revenue generation, cost savings, market share growth, or competitive advantage.

These KPIs provide a comprehensive framework for assessing the performance of an Engineering Director in leading the engineering department, driving strategic initiatives, fostering innovation, and delivering business results.

KPI for engineering design department

Key Performance Indicators for an engineering design department typically revolve around efficiency, quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Some specific KPIs are included in this article: Design Team Goals.

What is KPI in data engineering?

Key Performance Indicators in data engineering measure the effectiveness and efficiency of data-related processes, systems, and infrastructure. These KPIs help organizations assess the performance of their data engineering efforts and ensure that they are meeting business objectives.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as vital metrics for assessing the efficiency and efficacy of development processes, projects, and teams. By diligently monitoring these indicators, engineering teams can gauge their performance, pinpoint areas for enhancement, and deliver resilient, scalable, and user-centric products aligned with business goals.

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NextJS vs React — Which One is Better for Web Development?

next js vs react

Next.js and React are related but serve different purposes and have distinct features. React in the context of Next.js is the foundational library used to build the user interface components, while Next.js provides a framework with added features and conventions for building React-based web applications.

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What is NextJS?

next js

Next.js is a popular open-source React framework that is used for building modern web applications. It is designed to make the process of developing React applications easier by providing built-in features like server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), automatic code splitting, and routing.

Next.js builds on top of React and is particularly well-suited for building production-ready web applications with improved performance and SEO. In the context of Next.js, React serves as the underlying library for building user interfaces.

NextJS features

Some key features of Next.js include:

  1. Server-side rendering (SSR for short) – Next.js allows you to render React components on the server-side before sending them to the client, which can improve performance and SEO. Client-side rendering shifts more of the rendering process to the client’s browser.
  2. Static site generation (or SSG) – Next.js can generate static HTML files at build time, which can be served to the client without the need for a server. This is useful for content-heavy websites or pages that don’t need to be dynamically generated.
  3. Automatic code splitting – Next.js automatically splits your code into smaller bundles, which are loaded as needed. This helps reduce the initial load time of your application.
  4. Routing – Next.js provides a file-based routing system, where each React component corresponds to a route. This makes it easy to create and manage complex routing configurations.
  5. API routes – Next.js allows you to create API routes as serverless functions, which can be used to fetch data or perform server-side operations.
  6. Built-in CSS and Sass support – Next.js provides built-in support for styling your applications using CSS or Sass, making it easy to integrate with popular styling solutions.

When is it worth using NextJS?

There are specific scenarios where choosing Next.js over plain React might be advantageous.

If your application needs to render content on the server-side for better performance, SEO, or faster initial page load times, Next.js offers built-in support for Server-Side Rendering and Static Site Generator. This is particularly useful for content-heavy websites, blogs, or e-commerce platforms where SEO is crucial.

Next.js can help improve the performance of your application by pre-rendering pages at build time or on the server-side, reducing the amount of JavaScript that needs to be downloaded and executed by the client. This can lead to faster load times and a better user experience, especially on slower devices or networks.

Next.js comes with many built-in features, such as automatic code splitting, CSS and Sass support, API routes, and more. If you need these features in your application and prefer not to set them up manually, Next.js can save you time and effort.

What is Next.js not good for?

Next.js is worth considering over plain React when you need server-side rendering, static site generation, simplified routing, improved performance, or built-in features for your web application. However, if your application requires high customization, sticking with React alone might be more appropriate.

Consider other framework if you are building following projects:

  1. Microservices or backend-heavy applications – Next.js is primarily focused on building frontend applications, so if your project involves heavy backend logic, microservices architecture, or complex server-side processing, you might be better off with frameworks or libraries designed specifically for backend development, such as Express.js, Nest.js, or Spring Boot.
  2. Real-time applications – If your application relies heavily on real-time updates, like a chat application or a multiplayer game, Next.js might not be the best choice. While Next.js can handle real-time updates using client-side JavaScript, it’s not optimized for managing real-time connections or handling high volumes of concurrent requests.
  3. Highly customized user interface – If your project requires intricate animations, interactions, or complex layouts, you might find Next.js limiting. While React provides a flexible foundation for building custom UI components, Next.js imposes certain conventions and abstractions that could hinder your ability to implement highly customized designs. In such cases, using React with a lightweight bundler like Webpack or a UI library might be more appropriate.

What is React?

react logo

React is the core library used to create the UI components and manage the application’s state and behavior. Developed by Facebook for building user interfaces, it was first released in 2013 and has since become one of the most widely used libraries for building web applications.

React provides a way to create reusable UI components that encapsulate their own logic and state. This allows developers to build complex UIs by composing smaller, more manageable components

Next.js builds upon React by providing additional features and conventions for building web applications, such as server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), routing, and more.

React features

React provides a powerful and flexible foundation for building modern user interfaces, with a focus on simplicity, performance, and reusability. Its component-based architecture, virtual DOM, and declarative syntax have made it a popular choice for developers building web applications of all sizes and complexities.

React features include:

  1. Component-Based Architecture: React follows a component-based architecture, where UIs are broken down into reusable components. Components encapsulate their own logic, state, and UI, making it easier to build and maintain complex user interfaces.
  2. Declarative Syntax: React uses a declarative programming paradigm, allowing developers to describe how the UI should look at any given point in time, rather than imperatively manipulating the DOM. This makes code easier to understand and maintain.
  3. Virtual DOM: React utilizes a virtual DOM to efficiently update the UI. Instead of directly manipulating the browser’s DOM, React creates a virtual representation of the DOM in memory and compares it with the actual DOM. This allows React to minimize DOM manipulation and improve performance.
  4. Unidirectional Data Flow: React follows a unidirectional data flow, where data flows down from parent components to child components via props. This ensures predictable behavior and makes it easier to understand how data changes propagate through the application.
  5. JSX: React uses JSX (JavaScript XML) syntax, which allows developers to write HTML-like code directly within JavaScript. JSX makes it easier to write and visualize UI components, as well as to incorporate JavaScript logic directly into the markup.
  6. Hooks: React introduced Hooks in version 16.8, which provide a way to use state and other React features without writing class components. Hooks allow developers to reuse logic between components and write more concise and readable code.
  7. Community and Ecosystem: React has a large and active community of developers, and it has a vast ecosystem of libraries, tools, and frameworks that extend its functionality. This includes tools for state management (e.g., Redux, MobX), routing (e.g., React Router), and UI components (e.g., Material-UI, Ant Design).
  8. Cross-Platform: While React is primarily used for building web applications, it can also be used to build mobile applications using React Native. React Native allows developers to write mobile apps using React and JavaScript, which can then be compiled into native code for iOS and Android platforms.

Best use cases of React

Learning React opens up a wide range of possibilities for building dynamic and interactive web applications.

Here are some common use cases and projects you can build with React:

  • Single Page Applications (SPAs)
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Data visualization dashboards (example)
  • Real-time collaboration tools
  • Interactive maps and geospatial applications
  • E-learning platforms
  • Social networking platforms
  • E-commerce websites
  • Employee portals
  • Task management apps

Head over here to see examples of React.js websites, such as Netflix and more.

When not to use React?

React relies heavily on JavaScript for rendering and interactivity. If your target audience includes users with limited JavaScript support, such as users with disabilities using screen readers or environments where JavaScript execution is restricted, you may need to consider alternative approaches or fallback solutions for accessibility and graceful degradation.

React is better for static websites. Real-time applications, such as chat applications or multiplayer games, may not be suited for React alone. While React can handle real-time updates using client-side JavaScript, it may not be optimized for managing real-time connections or handling high volumes of concurrent requests. In such cases, frameworks like or platforms like Firebase might offer more suitable solutions.

Read this article about How to use React to find out more.

NextJS vs React — Comparison

design and development collaboration process product communication 1

Next.js provides a file-based routing system, making it easier to manage routing configurations compared to React, where you might need to use additional libraries like React Router. If your application has complex routing requirements, Next.js can simplify the process and reduce the amount of boilerplate code.

Let’s consider how React features align with Next.js features:

  1. Server-side rendering (SSR):
    • React itself doesn’t provide built-in server-side rendering capabilities. However, React components are rendered on both the client and server sides. React’s virtual DOM allows components to be rendered on the server-side using libraries like ReactDOMServer.
    • With React, you can render components on the server side, but you’ll need to set up server-side rendering manually or use libraries like Next.js that abstract away the complexities of SSR.
  2. Static site generation (SSG):
    • React itself doesn’t offer native support for static site generation. However, you can use tools like Gatsby.js, which is built on top of React, to generate static sites from React components.
    • Next.js extends React to provide built-in support for static site generation, allowing developers to generate static HTML files at build time and serve them without the need for a server.
  3. Automatic code splitting:
    • React itself doesn’t include automatic code splitting out of the box. However, you can achieve code splitting using tools like Webpack or dynamic import() statements.
    • Next.js integrates automatic code splitting seamlessly, breaking down your code into smaller bundles that are loaded as needed, thus reducing the initial load time of your application.
  4. Routing:
    • React doesn’t come with built-in routing capabilities. Developers typically use third-party libraries like React Router to handle routing in React applications.
    • Next.js provides a file-based routing system, where each React component corresponds to a route. This simplifies routing configuration and management, making it easier to create and organize routes in your application.
  5. API routes:
    • React itself doesn’t offer built-in support for creating API routes or serverless functions.
    • Next.js extends React by allowing developers to create API routes as serverless functions, enabling them to fetch data or perform server-side operations seamlessly within their Next.js application.
  6. Built-in CSS and Sass support:
    • React doesn’t provide built-in support for styling applications using CSS or Sass. Developers typically use CSS modules, styled-components, or other styling solutions alongside React.
    • Next.js includes built-in support for styling applications using CSS or Sass, making it easy to integrate with popular styling solutions and providing a more cohesive development experience.

In summary, while React provides the foundation for building user interfaces, Next.js extends React’s capabilities by offering features such as server-side rendering, static site generation, automatic code splitting, routing, API routes, and built-in CSS and Sass support.

These features enhance React development, making it easier to build high-performance, SEO-friendly, and maintainable web applications.

Is Nextjs better than Reactjs?

Next.js extends React with additional features like server-side rendering, static site generation, file-based routing, API routes, and built-in CSS and Sass support. These features make it easier to build high-performance, SEO-friendly web applications.

However, Next.js and React.js are not directly comparable as one being “better” than the other. It all depends on your project and its goals.

Can you use Nextjs with React?

You can absolutely use Next.js with React. To use Next.js with React, you follow a similar process to creating a React application, but you’ll use Next.js-specific features for server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), routing, and more.

Should you learn React or Nextjs first?

The decision of whether to learn React or Next.js first depends on your goals, background, and learning preferences. Learning React first allows you to understand its core concepts, such as components, state management, and JSX syntax. Plus, you will understand the abstractions and conventions used in frontend development, which can provide valuable context when learning Next.js later.

However, if you’re interested in server-side rendering, static site generation, or building production-ready applications, learning Next.js first may be a more direct path to achieving those goals.

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